You are hereStrips 91 to 100

Strips 91 to 100

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 January 2013

Strip #91: I am CatAku, hear me meow.

    Okay, so (taking a deep breath) this comic comes out of this story, this comment, this poll, Cosplay Rule #63 and maybe a little bit this this comment too. Not necessarily in that order.

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Strip #92: How do you get him to leave?

    Based on Personal Game Reviewer's new family member as well as the poll that followed.

    I learned a few things working with Personal Game Reviewer to get the different photos of his "Keggy."

    • he takes direction as poorly as anyone else here
    • he is as capable of sarcasm as anyone here
    • after three (or so) emails asking for more pictures he will add you to his spam filter
    • bitching and whining? Yep, he can do that too

    So, essentially, he fits right in with Herd of Cats.

    I also learned that the man loves his kitchen and I don't expect my kitchen will ever look as nice as his. Or as clean.

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Strip #93: Thank you Captains Obvious

    Did you know that Artemis has an iOS version?

    It might have been just me but it seemed that between the email thread and the website a lot of people spotted the Artemis iOS version independently and shared that revelation.

    Don't get me wrong. I am happy that there is an iOS version but I know already, I know already!

    I, however, have not bought it yet...

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Strip #94: To explore strange new beers

    I asked Graybush if he was planning on going to Q-Bert's Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator party. He answered that he was planning on going but he was just planning on drinking.

    This is what I got out of his response.

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Strip #95: Cherchez les femmes

    Countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis party #4

    HoC Live #94 with Graybush's take on Starship command was received so well that I decided to cave into demand and provide other versions of the comic with different HoC members in command. And hey, content!

    So this week, as a countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis LAN I will be providing an additional "Starship Command" comic each day. I know! Each day!

    Today I started with Aku. Tomorrow? Who knows?

    Plus once I had the template created it was really easy to create more and I thought of two while creating Graybush's version. Dammit I just thought of another one and I already have my five....

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Strip #96: It’s not the having, it’s the getting

    Countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis party #4

    When you think about it, Coxxorz really is the perfect Ferengi.

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Strip #97: U.S.S. Apocalypse

    Countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis party #3

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Strip #98: Close enough

    Countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis party #2

    I am impressed that he was this close...

    I would be more impressed if he was alive and had contacted Q-Bert about attending.

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Strip #99: Elapsed mission time, 2.3 seconds

    Countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis party #1

    This is pretty much everybody's first thought after hearing Q-Bert will be commanding a starship.

    Oh, and Q-Bert? Happy birthday.

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Strip #100: Admiral. We have found the nuclear wessel

    Countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis party #0

    Special Bonus Comic!

    I wasn't planning on posting more (in this series) after Friday's comic but this one was to good to hold back.

    And too true...

    Rolly loves playing Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator but will only play as Weapons. He loves nukes more than anything. We played with Q-Bert and Gabby (over the internet) and Q-Bert was a tad surprised by Rolly's love of nukes. I am sure Rolly came by this love honestly (and not from me).

    This is also the one hundredth comic in the HoC Live series. I never thought it would get past ten. I didn't really want the 100th comic to be a Starship Command series but it worked out well as Rolly and I are both in it. Thanks to everyone for your total and consistent lack of support. No really, thanks.

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