You are hereStrips 101 to 110

Strips 101 to 110

By Blackwalt - Posted on 21 April 2013

Strip #101: Special delivery

    Based on this.

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Strip #102: The same as every other day

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Strip #103: The fourth of May

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Strip #104: Cause you know we’re getting coal

    Well it's something. It's even holiday appropriate. Kind of. It's also available as a Christmas Card (after the break) for those of you that like to wait to the last minute. The card version has a holiday message written on the front.

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Strip #105: SeanMCR, the final rage quit

    Some select few clan members got the pleasure of dealing with another SeanMCR rage quit this weekend. It was entertaining. Out of this a discussion may have ensued.

    What would SeanMCR be rage quitting next? That conversation may have gotten out of hand but at least it gave us this comic. The comic may not be funny but the conversation sure was.

    Please note the previous appearance of SeanMCR rage quitting in HoCLive.

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Strip #106: Not really a secret

    I accept that it may seem we are picking on SeanMCR (and we are) but he was fully complicit in the conversation that led to this statement. And the statement about Coxxorz always being contrary. Or belligerent. Or both.

    The conversation occurred last Sega Nite between Coxxorz, Graybush, myself and SeanMCR. While we were playing Borderlands 2.

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Strip #107: Moricerevek’s Favourite Day

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Strip #108: All customs would allow

    Apparently Taiwan made quite a convert of Stormblade while he was visiting.

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Strip #109: It doesn’t matter who it is

    You can credit Q-Bert for this version.

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Strip #110: That ‘M’ could stand for anything

    This is based on the two HoC reviewers for Titanfall Xbox 360 both being under the recommended age rating. I'd be more concerned if this wasn't up to typical Herd of Cats standards.

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