You are hereHoC experiences Dead Island Riptide: Day 2

HoC experiences Dead Island Riptide: Day 2

By Blackwalt - Posted on 24 April 2013

Well, I got off the ship...

No pants when I started thinking of the story but I think I am good now.

Oh wait...

Anyway, Dead Island Riptide starts of with a synopsis of the first game which was good because it wasn't like I just finished the game two weeks ago. Excepting the minor detail that I forced Graybush and Coxxorz to play through the end again after they finished it without me. Two weeks ago.

I digress.

I started the game with a new character as my weakest previous character was already level 16. I picked the same person as my level 16 character and selected start.

All new characters for Dead Island Riptide start at Level 15 by the way which means I wasted ten minutes thinking about something that didn't even matter.

So my character survived the chopper landing and got onto a sinking ship. While I survived the sinking ship your character ends up on yet another infected and isolated island. Familiarity with the original Dead Island is all over the place. Which is to be expected I guess.

One thing did change. Halfway through escaping the ship I picked up a shotgun. Great what am I supposed to do with this? I was immediately attacked by a zombie. Having little time to switch to a melee weapon, which is where Dead Island had all its strength, I took aim at the Zombie's head and shot him. At least it could slow him down.

Imagine my surprise when the zombie's head came clean off and he fell, dead again, to the ground. I immediately looked at my shotgun to see if it was broken.

I gather that the developer's of Dead Island listened to all the complaints about zombies being impervious to firearm damage in the first game.

Dead Island made you use melee weapons by nerfing gun damage against zombies. In Dead Island guns were only useful against other humans. Enemy humans of course as I would never, ever turn my guns against my co-op companions. Never.

I was so happy about my guns working against zombies that I immediately sent an Xbox live message to Coxxorz about guns new effectiveness. I even typed it with my controller, that's how important it was.

By the time I left the ship I had a better shotgun, a pistol and an extremely effective assault rifle. So Dead Island threw me overboard to wash up on an infected island and stripped my completely of any and all weapons I had gathered so far.

So Dead Island has fixed firearm damage, they just make sure you don't have any...

Day 2. So far it's got me angry.

Tonight, co-op. So I can test out how firearms work on ... other people. That is if Dead Island Riptide let's me have any firearms back.

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