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HoC X-Com Enemy Unknown – the third (?) day

By Blackwalt - Posted on 02 August 2013

I am too busy playing X-Com Enemy Unknown to write about X-Com Enemy Unknown

Please note there are two more casualties added into the banner. Those memorial X's are for A Troll and Snuffy D. A Troll will be missed. Snuffy D, well, not so much.

Technically there should be a lot more casualties on the list, Maj. Storm 'Nix' Blade (yes!) multiple times (yes!), Maj. Q 'Cargo' Bert, Sgt. Morice 'Ghost' Revk, Lt. I 'Mr. Clean' Ce, Sgt. Gray 'Casino' Bush, among others. But a weird thing happened.

I basically rage quit.

Followed later on by the realization that X-Com Enemy Unknown has no auto-save. No auto-save.

So you can re-write history by loading a past save. In my first accidental case I rewrote a lot of history and went back to my second mission. Right after Snuffy D died. Oh well, too bad. It is also possible to re-write good things that happen. Brazil sending me $800 for four plasma pistols for example. But generally I just revive soldiers that I am personally attached to.

To be more fair, the soldier, singular. The one soldier I just could not rename.

Cpt. Claudia Schafer.

She's German. And blonde.

Yeah. I will do a lot to keep her alive, including sacrificing each and everyone of you. Starting with Storm blade who is the worst shot I have every seen. Normally not something important unless he happens to be your team sniper. WHICH HE IS!

85% chance. Miss. 87% chance. Miss. 90% chance from four feet away! Miss. 32% chance across most of the map. Hit. Wait... wtf?


Worst. Shot. Ever.

I have equipped him with a Laser Sniper Rifle. No help. Added a S.C.O.P.E. which provides an Aim bonus of 10. No help. If everyone else wasn't hurt all the time I wouldn't even take him into the field. Apparently, in my X-Com division, incompetence is promoted. Which works fairly heavily in my favour as well.

The latest HoC X-Com Team I sent into the fieldThe latest HoC X-Com Team I sent into the field

Please note the latest entry onto the HoC X-Com team, Rk. Personal G. Reviewer. Surprisingly he handled himself pretty well. Hard to tell he was one of us.

Speaking of incompetence. Cpt. Q Bert has turned into the team medic. Quite a surprise after her first mission where she not only panicked but shot at her own team. Nobody died but there was some time spent in the hospital. Since them she has become quite the Florence Nightingale and has become quite popular with her teammates. If you know what I mean. I am normally not one to relay barracks scuttlebutt but apparently she is know to be fairly *cough* easy *cough*.

Unlike her squad mate Sqt. Morice Revek the backup sniper who has the reputation of an Ice Queen. Although that may have come about once she shaved her head. Sgt. Revek also has become known for hitting something occasionally with 10 kills in 4 missions. Fairly impressive against Maj. Storm Blade's 12 kills. In 13 missions. If only Sgt. Revek could stay out of the infirmary,

Okay, let's pay some respect to our fallen and then back into battle.

Rk. Snuffy D.

He died. On to A Troll.

Just kidding. Snuffy D died extremely early into his first mission while waving happily at one of the hostile aliens. It was brief and it was ugly. Unfortunately his "what does this mean to me" attitude did not go over well with the rest of the team and he was lucky that someone bothered to scrape his remains into a shoe box. One mission (Operation Morbid Crone), zero kills.

We over nighted that shoe box back to his family. C.O.D.

Sq A. Troll

Squaddie A. Troll died the way he lived, the way he would have wanted to, wearing the American flag. He had two kills over two missions and heroically sacrificed himself to save a team mate. He was popular with his team mates, jovial and a solid influence on the team.

He will be missed.

Active HoC X-Com soldiers:

  • Major Storm 'Nix' Blade. Sniper. Missions: 12. Kills: 13
  • Major Q. 'Cargo' Bert. Support. Missions: 12. Kills: 17
  • Captain Sean 'Vandal' MCR. Assault. Missions: 7. Kills: 9
  • Captain Dark 'Double Down' Nightowl. Assault. Missions: 11. Kills: 6
  • Captain Hard 'Collateral' Wood. Heavy. Missions: 8. Kills: 19
  • Captain Claudia 'Hardcore; Schafer. Assault. Missions: 8. Kills: 11
  • Lieutenant Fung 'Atlas' Ster. Support. Missions: 4. Kills: 8
  • Lieutenant I. 'Mr. Clean' Ce. Support. Missions: 5. Kills: 7. Wounded
  • Sergeant Morice 'Ghost' Revek. Sniper. Missions: 4. Kills: 10
  • Sergeant Gray. 'Casino' Bush. Heavy. Missions: 4. Kills: 6. Wounded
  • Squaddie S Wag. Assault. Missions: 2. Kills: 3
  • Squaddie Pwn Call. Heavy. Missions: 1. Kills: 1
  • Rookie N. Oir. Undetermined. Missions: 0. Kills: 0
  • Rookie Personal G. Reviewer. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0
  • Rookie J. DM. Undetermined. Missions: 0. Kills: 0

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