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HoC X-Com Enemy Unknown – on the Seventh day

By Blackwalt - Posted on 06 August 2013

True tragedy strikes the time

No, not losing Lt. Morice 'Ghost' Revek, that wasn't a tragedy, is was more of an acceptable loss for a positive outcome. It was a tough mission that I went through a few times. Getting through it and only losing Lt. Revek made me happy. Well relatively. What kind of commander would I be if I left the good Lieutenant's corpse lying there on the ground while I went to pour myself a drink. Wait aminute, that is exactly what happened. Never mind.

So Lt. Morice 'Ghost' Revek was killed in action. On a successful mission. We all know that 'Operation Crystal Jester' was a tough mission as even Colonel Claudia 'Hardcore' Schafer came back injured.

But a tragedy? No. The true tragedy came later on with a horrific realization, Colonel Storm 'Nix' Blade is the only team sniper left! That, my friends. that is a true tragedy.

Just as the team was about to sink into a horrible despair brought about by this realization command sent us our reward for our successful mission:

Captain Gren 'Specter' Del, a new sniper sent to HoC X-Com command by our friends in India.

Thank you India, your timing was impeccable. Thanks for saving us from Colonel Blade.

I would like to report that Captain Del has gone on two successful missions (so far) and has five alien kills.

On a separate note, Research is developing on a Plasma Sniper Rifle which we hope will help Colonel Blade with his issues.

Bonus picture: The latest HoC X-Com team to be deployed. Check out the all new Skeleton Suits. Body armour with built in grappling hooks. Engineering and Operations managed to make enough for the entire team.

HoC X-Com Roster:

  • Colonel Claudia 'Hardcore' Schafer. Assault. Missions: 16. Kills: 29
  • Colonel Storm 'Nix' Blade. Sniper. Missions: 18. Kills: 24.
  • Major Q. 'Cargo' Bert. Support. Missions: 16. Kills: 23.
  • Major Hard 'Collateral' Wood. Heavy. Missions: 11. Kills: 25
  • Major Sean 'Vandal' MCR. Assault. Missions: 9. Kills: 12.
  • Major I. 'Mr. Clean' Ce. Support. Missions: 11. Kills: 15. Wounded
  • Major Dark 'Double Down' Nightowl. Assault. Missions: 14. Kills: 9
  • Captain Fung 'Atlas' Ster. Support. Missions: 8. Kills: 15.
  • Captain Gray 'Casino' Bush. Heavy. Missions: 10. Kills: 15. Wounded
  • Captain Gren 'Specter' Del. Sniper. Missions: 2. Kills: 5.
  • Lieutenant Personal G. Reviewer. Undetermined. Missions: 7. Kills: 6
  • Sergeant Morice 'Ghost' Revek. Sniper. Missions: 6. Kills: 13. KIA
  • Corporal S Wag. Assault. Missions: 3. Kills: 5
  • Corporal Pwn Call. Heavy. Missions: 5. Kills: 3. KIA
  • Squaddie A. Troll. Assault. Missions: 2. Kills: 2. KIA
  • Squaddie Kar Loff. Support. Missions: 2. Kills: 2.
  • Squaddie N. Oir. Support. Missions: 1. Kills: 1
  • Rookie J. DM. Undetermined. Missions: 0. Kills: 0
  • Rookie A. Fadumamai. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA
  • Rookie Snuffy D. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA

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