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HoC X-Com Enemy Unknown – It goes to Eleven

By Blackwalt - Posted on 10 August 2013

Stupid Union rules!

When I find out which one of you turned me in to Local Chapter #710425491474 of the X-com Union there will be hell to pay. We can't get any supplies into HoC X-Com base because not a single trucker will cross the picket line. And they're robot truckers!

Fine, here is your damn, all human team. See if I go out of my way to keep any of you alive this time.

HoC X-Com Roster:

  • Colonel Claudia 'Hardcore' Schafer. Assault. Missions: 22. Kills: 41.
  • Colonel Storm 'Nix' Blade. Sniper. Missions: 20. Kills: 29.
  • Colonel Q. 'Cargo' Bert. Support. Missions: 22. Kills: 34.
  • Colonel I. 'Mr. Clean' Ce. Support. Missions: 16. Kills: 24.
  • Colonel Gray 'Casino' Bush. Heavy. Missions: 19. Kills: 33.
  • Colonel Dark 'Double Down' Nightowl. Assault. Missions: 19. Kills: 17.
  • Colonel Gren 'Specter' Del. Sniper. Missions: 9. Kills: 37.
  • Major Hard 'Collateral' Wood. Heavy. Missions: 13. Kills: 25
  • Major Sean 'Vandal' MCR. Assault. Missions: 9. Kills: 12.
  • Major Personal G. 'Vixen' Reviewer. Undetermined. Missions: 14. Kills: 19. Wounded.
  • Major Fung 'Atlas' Ster. Support. Missions: 9. Kills: 17.
  • Lieutenant Morice 'Ghost' Revek. Sniper. Missions: 6. Kills: 13. KIA
  • Corporal Anime Shimmer. Sniper. Missions: 4. Kills: 4.
  • Corporal S Wag. Assault. Missions: 4. Kills: 6. KIA
  • Corporal Pwn Call. Heavy. Missions: 5. Kills: 3. KIA
  • Squaddie A. Troll. Assault. Missions: 2. Kills: 2. KIA
  • Squaddie Kar Loff. Support. Missions: 2. Kills: 2.
  • Squaddie N. Oir. Support. Missions: 1. Kills: 0.
  • Squaddie Arc Ha1c. Support. Missions: 0. Kills: 0.
  • Squaddie War Tactix. Heavy. Missions: 0. Kills: 0.
  • Rookie J. DM. Sniper. Missions: 1. Kills: 0
  • Rookie A. Fadumamai. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA
  • Rookie Snuffy D. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA

PS- I don't have Rookies anymore, all new soldiers come in promoted automatically to Squaddie.

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This is pretty fascinating. It is amazing to see this play out in the video.



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