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Akuf's blog

I seriously LOL'd

By Akuf - Posted on 22 May 2012

Oh My...

By Akuf - Posted on 18 May 2012

********* WARNING *******
* I may be unsuitable for overly
* sensitive persons with low
* self-esteem, no sense of
* humour or irrational religious
* beliefs.

This may cause certain members to have accidents, please view with caution

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Flintstones at McDonald's

By Akuf - Posted on 18 May 2012

And I thought I was bad

By Akuf - Posted on 17 May 2012

Adventures of Aku

By Akuf - Posted on 17 May 2012

Episode: DYAC submission (clean version) Longer (dirtier) version available upon request

A conversation with Revek


By Akuf - Posted on 14 May 2012

I am not a windblows fan either, but this article really shows how much control Crapple has over their iDummies/iDiots etc etc.

Doctor Who Theme

By Akuf - Posted on 11 May 2012

In the spirit of comicon this weekend

Most bizarre programming languages

By Akuf - Posted on 11 May 2012

I must be a real nerd because I actually lol'd at these.

Here is a sample of COW

MoO moO MoO mOo MOO OOM MMM moO moO
MMM mOo mOo moO MMM mOo MMM moO moO
MOO MOo mOo MoO moO moo mOo mOo moo

The Ultimate iDiot/iDummy

By Akuf - Posted on 11 May 2012

This guy is a bigger iDummy than stormblade

Guy Gets Magnets Implanted in His Arm To Hold His iPod, Forgets There’s a New Design Every Year

Spotted on Carling Avenue last night

By Akuf - Posted on 10 May 2012


By Akuf - Posted on 10 May 2012

Ice Bras

By Akuf - Posted on 09 May 2012

I bet blackwalt wants one

By Akuf - Posted on 09 May 2012

Run for your lives!

By Akuf - Posted on 07 May 2012

And the song it cool too!

I am really sorry

By Akuf - Posted on 04 May 2012

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From Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee presents, Hatfall (cue Adele)

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