You are hereHerd of Cats Lexicon of Death
Herd of Cats Lexicon of Death
• The Wisdom of HoC
• Alternate HoC Acronyms
• HoC Neologisms
• HoC Dictionary New!
Format: Word/Phrase = Translation/Meaning
New additions in red type
A guy just showed up behind me = I'm dead, you're on your own
Arrrggghhh! = you turned on your night vision goggles while trying to throw a grenade
Clear = not remotely clear
Crap = pressed B button by mistake
Enemy at 2 o'clock = Enemy at 10 o'clock
Fire in the hole = fire in your hole
I can get a grenade in that window, no problem = The entire team is about to die. Make your peace (throw distance in Rainbow while crouched < from standing position)
I going in= I'm dead, you're on your own
I hate you = I hate you
I'll do better this time = I can die in half the time...
I'm heading out, cover me = I am going wherever I like and I expect you to follow even if you don't have any cover
I really hate you = I really hate you
I've got your six = I am looking at your back
GOD DAMN ARRGHH! = someone threw an incendiary grenade and your night vision goggles are still on.
Got him = Got him in my sights and eventually thinking about taking him down before he kills you
Looks clear = where did they come from?
Let's try going in a different way = Let's get killed in a different place this time
New map! = we suck at the old map
Nice shoes = I have been shot and my enemy is tea-bagging me
Notice UNLOCALIZED(Failed to recvfrom() socket, error WSAEMSGSIZE. ) = You guys were so awesome that the server had to boot you!
Oops = Run (really, run)
Rearguard = you don't really have teammates and should watch all directions if you want to stay alive. Oops, too late.
Secure = terrorists can walk through our perimeter and shoot our rearguard in the back
Should be clear now = Should be. Isn't.
That's not where I meant to throw that grenade = You are about to die
Uh-oh... = I just got Rainbow Six Vegas 2 today. (See: What's the button for crouch again?" below)
You lead, Private = I play this way more often than you so I'm a Sergeant and you have to do what I say. And yes, I will laugh at you while standing over your dead body
You take point, I'll cover you = Go ahead and I'll laugh at you while standing over your dead body
What's the button for crouch again? = Get behind me. NOW. (The crouch button in COD2 & 3 = the grenade button in R6V)
Where did that grenade come from? = I'm dead, you're on your own
Whoops = pressed B button by mistake
I've got him = I was going to get him
It's a Rainbow Six Vegas 2 feature = It's a design flaw (see all of our posts about this)
Incoming! = There have been zombies coming into the room I'm standing in for the last few minutes
Catwalk of Hope and Love = The one place of refuge in Der Riese that doesn't result in Death by Zombies before level 10.
Whoah = Graybush has just been overrun by the zombie horde. Call the National Guard. Run for your lives.
The Wisdom of HoC: Words of deep philosophical relevance
• "The worst deaths are the ones you don't survive."
- MoriceRevek
• "You're DOUBLE gay. Wait– wouldn't that make you straight?"
- Coxxorz
• "We're sucking like yesterday's diapers."
- Stormblade
• Coxxorz: "Here we go, everyone knows Capture The Flag."
MoriceRevek: "What do we have to do?"
• Q-bert: "Revek! Stop hoovering all the loot!"
Revek: Don't worry. You can have whatever I can't carry, or can't use.
• "I was surrounded! They were behind me in both directions."
- Unknown
Alternate Acronyms for HoC: What does it REALLY stand for?
• Heap of Crap
• Hooked on Crack
• Head fOr Cover
• Hardened Old Canucks
• Hold Our Calls
• Heroes of Canuckistan
• Hooked on Camping
• Horny Old Coots
• Help Our Cause
• Hung-Over Christmas
• Hill of Corpses
• Hard-On Corp.
• House of Commons (eww)
• Higher Order Carnivores
• Harbingers of Coxxorz
• Hunk of Cheese
• Hairballs of Carnage
• Hold On, Charlie!
• Hurl Out Curses
• Hate Other Clans
• Hairy Old Cat
• Heavy On the Chocolate
• Hang-Over City!
HoC Neologisms: Redefining words by changing just one letter
• Inflatte (n.): Starbucks beverage struck by inflation.
• Pylone (n.): Last man standing in a room about to be overrun by zombies. Or Zambonies.
• Ratting (n.): A very poor rating (e.g. anything MoriceRevek chooses on Movie Night).
• Mockracy (n.): The state of a lobby where the next game is decided by who shouts loudest.
• Obsticles (n.): The only thing between you and the Nutshot achievement.
• Denial Floss (n.): "I haven't eaten that much junk food... have I?"
• Prevenge (n.): The act of avenging a fallen teammate... before they die.
• Disnified (adj.): Having dignity and self-respect, despite wearing mouse ears.
• Borkerage (n.): The organization entrusted with finding a financial institution to screw you for the next 25 years.
• Vomints (n.): Those disgusting candies you get at some restaurants that taste like black licorice.
HoC Dictionary: These aren't the definitions you're looking for
• Back out (v., imp.): To leave a game lobby due to missing clan members, or burly men on the other team with large, hard rank symbols. See: any of the Call of Duty series.
• Camper (n.): A derogatory term given to skilled players of limited mobility.
• Cheater (n.): 1. A person who attempts to defeat the game/opponent through nefarious means.
2. Anyone who beats us in a fair match.
• Faggot (int.): A greeting commonly used in the pre/post-game lobby to endear oneself to other players.
• Glitcher (n.): A player who exploits bugs in the game environment to demonstrate that they can't win through fair competition. The lowest form of Cheater.
• Griefer (n.): A player who joins your team with the intention of making you lose, as if you needed his help. A clan member on the opposite team from the rest of his clanmates is a sure sign of a Griefer.
• Squeaker (n.): A pre-pubescent boy, typically playing an M-rated game, trying out the new words he learned at the playground in a shrill, high-pitched voice.
• Strategy (n.): ::::ERROR::::
• Whiner (n.): Waaaahhhhh!!!
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- 13080 reads
We need to add this to the lexicon. It's due for an update.
Q-Bert: Revek! Stop hoovering all the loot!
Revek: Don't worry. You can have whatever I can't carry, or can't use.
If so, here's a couple.
Sorry, I meant to miss - I so took you down!
Let [clan member name] finish the challenge - Everyone gang up on said clan member and take them down as often as possible before they can finish the challenge.
Looks quite a lot like Blackwalt.
Except prettier.
Q-Bert! Don't move! = Friendly snipper fire to the back of the head.
I left a coded message in the wall = I can't aim and I'm dead
Let's try going in a different way = Let's get killed in a different place this time
"New Map!" I have heard so many times...