You are hereIt is all Coxxorz's fault

It is all Coxxorz's fault

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 April 2014

Despite how often I blame him for things, this time it really was

11:15PM last night with my finger on the "A" button11:15PM last night with my finger on the "A" button

So I feel lousy this morning. And while it is not totally because I was up late last night I have to feel that it contributed. What is weird about this is Graybush and I both stopped playing at 11:15PM. We had left the gaming party and both started shutting down our Xbox 360s. We were just have a final chat before we shut down. That is when we got a horrible message.

Pwn Call (Coxxorz) has joined your Xbox Live Party.

Really? That's just great. "Umm, we were just quitting out."

    Coxxorz: I just finished downloading the new DLC! We have to play it!
    Graybush and Blackwalt: We were just quitting out!

    Coxxorz: Just one game! Come on! I downloaded it for this.
    Graybush: Well I guess...
    Blackwalt: Sigh... fine. One game.

This is how I ended up playing Call of Duty Ghosts Extinction Mayday until 12:30AM. And why when I finally made my way to bed at 1:00AM I was soundly cursing Coxxorz (and a little bit Graybush).

None of my cursing compared to how I was referring to them this morning as I dragged my ass out of bed to get Rolly off to school and to try to converse politely with my wife (fail by the way).

Both Graybush and Coxxorz are lucky I don't have telepathic powers or they would be sharing my misery this morning. Right after I shared with Stormblade of course. I felt so lousy I even went back to bed for an hour. Despite my somewhat open schedule this is something that very rarely happens.

SeanmcR6's picture

WTH? I checked and you guys weren't playing last night?!

Oh Coxxorz, how's TitanFall?

Coxxorz's picture

When Blackwalt goes to bed you would just be having dinner.

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