You are hereQ-Bert has pneumonia
Q-Bert has pneumonia
I guess he really was sick. He is at the hospital now for chest X-rays.
I have only one thing to say to this.
- "Dibs on his Apple G5!"
The rest of you can fight over his 360.
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- 2903 reads
Is Q-Bert dead yet? I'll have to book a ticket.
Oh, and find dandelions. They're not in season yet.
So no idea.
Don't worry about flying up here though. As soon as we are done with the body, I'll arrange to have it shipped to you.
Heck, if you ask nicely enough I'll arrange to have it shipped now.
on this thread when I checked today.
I thought that Q-bert was dead.
Better luck next time.
Everyone keeps clicking on the thread, anticipating ... er, dreading ... yeah, the news of Q-Bert's imminent demise. When they overcome their disapp ... um, elation over the lack of an obituary, they feel the need to post something.
At least that's what happens to me.
Do you even know what that Penguin is wearing?
Also, Al Pacino > Tux
The blood angels armor from Warhammer 40K.
Or Definitely is armor for one of the Space Marine armies for Warhammer 40K
The whole point of the question was to get the non-warhammer guy to explain the selection of the pic. We could have gotten some mocking milleage out of his response.
...mocking everything you say?
Ok so how the heck was I supposed to know that...
Oh yeah wait I forgot what site I am on..
I don't think anyone would want to fight me would they?
And I will fight you for the G5 if need be.....
I would take out your bad knee and then runaway as fast as I could while carrying the G5.
Admittedly, it would be more practical to take out your knee with my car....
Was that your break lines I just cut? Sorry about that. Oh well, I guess you can always use yoru feet to break.
...these videos are way off topic
Just call me
To Blackwalt I leave my Apple Newton.
To Coxxorz and Snuffy I leave my porn collection
To Pebbles I leave A HerdofCats
I inherited it from Stormblade.
The first time he died.
I actually have 6 (yes really) Newtons, including the original pre-release that didn't even have a number. I also have several keyboards, modems, flash cards (4mb) and even a GPS for the Newton. Oh, and a carrying case for the Newton 2000 that would hold the machine, the keyboard and several accessories and it attached to your belt. Anyone who has seen a Newton 2000 may appreciate that, attached to a belt, it is not an unnoticeable object. Not that I would know because I would never have worn it on my belt ...
I still haven't entirely forgiven Steve for this one transgression. He shouldn't have blamed Scully for everything.
Sad really, but it shouldn't surprise anyone.
I don't get stuck with the motley crew. Sorry that you drew the short straw Pebbles.
He probably got sick from the toxic fumes that the Xbox 360 eminates.
Cause it's getting to crowded in here.
That the Nintendo Wii releases nanobots into the air which once inhaled helps regenerate and repair ones body. All this could have been prevented if only he had a Wii (pun intended). lol.
He's had a Wii since chistmas...
We aren't talking about Reveks Wii that he took with him?
But he has Dance Dance Revolution. Gaba tells me that he is quite "good" at it.
There is a picture I did not need
You have DDR for the Nindento Wii and Gab hasn't invited me off to play? lol
If you could get Xbox Live on the Wii...
I would have to pay for something I already pay for, ie. the game and the use of internet. Not sure why I need to give Microsoft more money.
PS. How can 65 people have read this thread about Qbert being sick???
... I'm important.
But it could also be that it adds to the counter each time someone reads a post on the page and this page has received 14 comments.
So if you divide 65 visits into 14 comments it turns out that not that many people really care.
Big surprise.
An administrator of the site? Could he not artificially inflatte the counter?
I can say with absolute certainty that the humour value of the site would severely diminish without Revek. His ability to provide no end to the number of possible comebacks is invaluable. Also, it has permitted Q-Bert to duck under the radar as the perennial target he always was.
Thank you, Revek.
Read subject
To your otherwize dreery daie.
Because if you use the greater operating system call Linux (in my case Ubuntu) there is a worldwide spellcheck that is always on when typing in text fields. Ergo, no more spelling mistakes. That won't save you from grammar though. (Yes, I started a sentence with 'because' :P)
The real reason why I'm commenting.... I just wanted to see how narrow this thread could get.
to the narrowing
Very narrow indeed!
Just say my name backwards
Just say my name backwards
Just say my name backwards
Just say my name backwards
Just say my name backwards
Just say my name backwards
Just say my name backwards