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HoC Random Weird Pricing of the Day - 05062014

By Blackwalt - Posted on 06 May 2014

Usually it is EBGames that I pick on but today – Staples

Recently Rolly tried NHL 14 at a friend's house and was interested in playing more. Concerned about his attention span we looked into borrowing a copy of a recent NHL release from a friend. Which is how we ended up p[laying NHL 13.

We have played it enough to know that I would buy a copy of NHL 14 if I found a good price. Unfortunately with the NHL season still on the average price of NHL 14 is $49.99 which is too much for a September release. Particularly for any game series on a yearly cycle.

That's when Coxxorz and I found NHL 13 in the Staples Clearance section and almost bought it until it scanned at $29.96. Which was way too high for last year's game.

A week later (yesterday) while looking online I discovered that Staples had the best price for NHL 14. A full $20 bucks cheaper than anyone else at $29.97. Wait... isn't that the same price as NHL 13 last week? They must have dropped the price of NHL 13.

Well no they hadn't.

Staples has NHL 14 and NHL 13 at the same price which, while not wrong, is definitely weird.

Please note that while Staples has the best price for NHL 14 they have the worst stock for NHL 14. Yep, none online and none listed in stock at stores. Still, best price. Which I would have purchased if I could have found it.

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