You are hereI have issues with the latest Ghosts compatibility pack

I have issues with the latest Ghosts compatibility pack

By Blackwalt - Posted on 14 May 2014

Or, more accurately, with it's method of forced download

So another patch for Call of Duty Ghosts was released yesterday and I have no problem with that. In fact I appreciate the fact that a developer continues to fix/update its software. This is a "good thing."

However after the 80 MB update on launch there is an additional "Compatibility Pack 2" which is required before you can go online. No big deal. I wasn't surprised.

I was surprised however by the notification of the "Compatibility Pack 2" which included the phrase "we have added the Compatibility Pack 2 to your Active Downloads." And they had. Wait a sec? You did it for me? Where was my option to refuse? Where was my option to agree to the download? Isn't this just like Rogers reverse billing?

Note: my camera battery was dead so I did not get a picture of the message. If someone could do that today I would appreciate it.

My issue with the Ghosts Compatibility Pack was my loss of choice. Or perhaps the loss of my illusion of choice. I know I would have downloaded it and you know I would have downloaded it but as a consumer I want the choice to decline or, at least, the chance to say okay go ahead. That was all taken from me. And I found it noticeable. I was offended by the developer taking the choice from me. I know that I would have downloaded it. You have to if you want to play the game but, dammit, leave me my illusions. They are pretty much all I have left.

There is an additional part to this story which also would have been better with a picture but, again, dead battery.

The initial update on launch was 80 MB and it took about 2-3 minutes to download. No big deal. The forced Ghosts Compatibility Pack took over 20 minutes to download. It's size according to the notice on my screen? 14 kB. Yes that is a "k." Yet it took over twenty minutes to download. Again no picture and when I checked my download history today it claimed the Ghosts Compatibility Pack was in fact 230 MB which I accept as more likely even if 20 minutes still seems like too long a download.

If someone could snag pictures for me today and possibly time their downloads I would appreciate it.

Coxxorz's picture

This is the longest "14.49 KB" download EVER.

Coxxorz's picture

Mine took about 15 minutes on a 45Mb connection, so that's about 1k per minute. That is just unacceptable, Obama.

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