You are hereRumour: GTA IV downloadable content to be MASSIVE!!

Rumour: GTA IV downloadable content to be MASSIVE!!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 19 April 2008

GamerVision has an article up claiming that the Xbox 360 downloadable content for GTA4 will be entire new cities!

If this is true it would suck to be a Playstation 3 owner!

As if it doesn't already.

MauriceRevek's picture

That I will be playing 2 against 14? The other one being Q-Bert of course, as everybody loves to kill Q-Bert? Or would he be a mole for the specific purpose of team killing me?

Noir's picture

You know what that means though. Another whole in your wallet for that download I bet. It'll probably be $20 to download it. Why not though, you are already paying Microsoft just to have the privilege of using their systems.

Akuf's picture

Another whole what in your wallet?

Dark Nightowl's picture

Bottom line... nobody is putting a gun to your head.

You wanna play... you gotta pay. Simple as that. Don't like it... don't buy it.

MauriceRevek's picture

When you have what is termed as MASSIVE downloadable content, such as an entire new city for a game, in most games, that is called EXPANSION PACKS. For which you have always been charged for, no matter the console or platform. Now to say that Microsoft is charging us for it is quite an error that somebody supposedly as smart as you are supposed to be should not be making. This extra content is produced by the game maker, and is sold by the game maker. Albeit Microsoft is taking a cut, as this is being sold on their service, and there is royalties to be made. Do you honestly believe that Sony is not taking royalties for every bit of content that is sold for the PS3? They are selling these console at a loss as well, making their money back on content!

What I don't understand, is this supposed fascination with Sony, that they are this little guy who are being oppresses by the big bad Microsoft, when they are as guilty if not more so that Microsoft at being a company that screws their customers. Anybody remembers PROPRIETARY batteries that they charge $120 for for digital cameras? What about them nice memory sticks? Sony has always been about locking their customers into their products and grabbing as much money from them as possible,

And lets not even go into Blue Ray. A substandard standard (did I just use a double standard?) Which was put into the field when nowhere near ready, with missing features and buggy code, and not to mention that anybody that bought a device which had version 1.0 would be SOL when the newer version would be made available as those devices will not be able to receive the update from the mother ship. And what was Sony's response to the plight of the early adopters? Too bad! Go buy a PS3!

Yes, the Sony may have slightly prittier graphics than the 360, but for all intents and purposes, THEY ARE THE SAME THING!!! The games are played the same way, and it is basically the same controller. When you have to button mash on the 360, you have to button mash on the PS3. They did not do anything new on their console either. The only one that is worthy of that title is the Wii.

But to dare say that Sony is the little engine that could, and that the big-bad Microsoft is bashing the poor little Sony entrepreneurs? HA!! A pox on you! May a thousand camels spit at your daughters wedding! May a million flees infest your beard!

The only reason why Sony is not charging you for their live service is because theirs is CRAP compared to Microsoft. "Come play with our machine, our live service is free!". You see I am using the "Live" term as if it were a definition of a broader term, sort of like saying "I am going to xerox these papers" instead of saying "I am going to copy these papers". Even if I say Xerox, you know exactly that I am going to a photocopier and make photocopies. Which is what Microsoft has achieved with "Live". I can say "I am playing Live with my friends", and only the older generation who do not know that a microprocessor is the basis of all computers, would not know that I was going to play online with my friends. Whereas with Sony, I would actually have to use a much longer description to indicate the same thing. "I am going back to my home where I shall go into my dungeon where it is really the only place where I can put my PS3 without feeling embarrassment, and connect it to my Internet so that I can play online with the 3 other people that have bought a PS3 for the purpose of using it as a gaming console, and not a DVD player."

See, much more abbridged when talking about the 360.

All this to say that Sony is just as evil as Microsoft is, and that the only one that could be considered as worthy of the "Little Guy fighting the good fight" title is the Wii.

And that concludes the Revek Rant for the day. Now to run this through the splle sheque.

P.S. Yes, I know.... more than 10 lines.

Noir's picture

Well, I'll be the first to admit I made an error. Being so use to the PC style market I didn't think of it as an Expansion, which you are right to say it is comparable to. For that much content.

Secondly, about the Sony stuff. Ohh boy Sony. What a scumbag piece of shit they are. I believe Maddox says it all:

I also have another important question about a Sony made product. For the sake of Blackwater-Mcgee I'll post it as a new blog entry.

Q-Bert's picture

Sony is crap ? We can all agree on this ? Good.

Now, we just need to work on the Wii-Xbox relationship and we are all set.

Noir's picture

Sony is crap, EVERYONE can agree to that. Cheap blue-ray or no. I was sad they day that Blue-Ray was announced the winners, thinking to myself what absurd amount of money must have been given out to persuade people to adopt it. I was hoping that Sony would have lost that war, giving them a swift kick in the balls.

Coxxorz's picture

Sony wasn't declared the winner, Toshiba simply announced their withdrawal. Blue Ray has a long way to go to supplant even regular DVDs. Not to mention the fact that red lasers aren't done yet.

Blackwalt's picture

For a 4 line story!!

Is clicking create story really that hard?

Coxxorz's picture

Is there a "Create Rant" button?

MauriceRevek's picture

Promote to Rant

Coxxorz's picture

That's the sound of people on your PS3/Wii friends list– oh, wait...

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