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Life, sometimes it intrudes...

By Q-Bert - Posted on 16 July 2014

So, most of you will have heard by now that Pebbles and I have chosen to go our seperate ways since February. We have sold our house, and I have bought a property near the Greenboro OTrain station and I will be moving in on the week of August 11th.

I would like to enlist volunteers to help me clean, paint, and move. I will be getting the keys on the 8th of August. This is my plan:

August 6th: Get that last spurt of packing done at old house.
August 7th: Finish packing the last items at old house. Prepare all the paint things (ladders, brushes, rollers, drop cloths, etc...)
August 8th: Get the keys, clean new house and start painting.
August 9th: Painting, so much painting.
August 10th: I have a moving van today, so move, move, move. Painting touch-ups.
August 11th: I have a moving van today too! Move all the things left. Get the carpets steam-cleaned.
August 12th: Unpack. The girls arrive tonight from Pebbles' new place..
August 13th: Unpack some more. Probably collapse and sleep.

If you wish to help on any of this, please drop me an email, or comment on this post.

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