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Q-Bert's blog

My disappearance

By Q-Bert - Posted on 20 September 2021

I haven't been in the weekly gaming sessions, nor have I posted my regular column, because ...


I bought a boat.

... and it needs work.

Yeah, I bought it 2 years in advance of my "plan". The shipyard is 1.5 hours away from home, and the commute is killing me. It doesn't leave much time for anything else, and I am also teaching a navigation class on Wednesday nights. I should be coming up for air next week, so I hope to join up to get my ass fragged as usual.


By Q-Bert - Posted on 26 October 2017

Get it now, on special until November 1st!

It's our next PC LAN party!!

OK, This Is Not unny

By Q-Bert - Posted on 15 December 2015

So, I need help from the Mac heads here. My capital-f key is not working when I am in Safari.

But your lowercase f key seems to be working fine. Yeah, I know. And the cap-f works fine when I am in other applications, or even in the Safari URL bar. I don't remember when this started, but it has been months. I am reduced to being a typographical Porky Pig:

"uture posts will be ignored" Dammit. "Your posts will be ignored in the future..."

It only happens when I am entering text in Safari form fields, like comments to HoC. How many HoC post have I wanted to reply with "uck off", but I cannot.

Anyone have any ideas where to start looking ?

When do we do this ?

By Q-Bert - Posted on 10 March 2015


By Q-Bert - Posted on 06 October 2014


Well, it's that time again.

By Q-Bert - Posted on 19 September 2014

Phallic, no?Phallic, no?

It's time to upgrade my work Mac. I cannot justify purchasing this behemoth, but I'm still going to do it. Just tack it on the mortgage.

Stormblade hinted at getting a Mac Pro last year, and I bet that's what *he* did...

Random Plea of the Day

By Q-Bert - Posted on 08 August 2014

This is a plea for help. I am painting my whole house on Saturday and Sunday. So far, 2 people have answered the call and I am afraid we will burn out if we don't get a few more. If you want to help, flag me and come for a few hours. My new house is at the end of the OTrain (Greenboro) and is walking distance from there.

You can help with rolling, cutting, painting trim, cleaning rollers and brushes, stirring paint, making snacks, moving drop cloths, etc.
You won't have to move any furniture as the house will be bare.


Life, sometimes it intrudes...

By Q-Bert - Posted on 16 July 2014

So, most of you will have heard by now that Pebbles and I have chosen to go our seperate ways since February. We have sold our house, and I have bought a property near the Greenboro OTrain station and I will be moving in on the week of August 11th.

I would like to enlist volunteers to help me clean, paint, and move. I will be getting the keys on the 8th of August. This is my plan:

August 6th: Get that last spurt of packing done at old house.
August 7th: Finish packing the last items at old house. Prepare all the paint things (ladders, brushes, rollers, drop cloths, etc...) Read more

Gaba with Aku's head

By Q-Bert - Posted on 12 May 2014

I was told to post this here.I was told to post this here.

Bioshock's infinite bugs

By Q-Bert - Posted on 01 April 2013

I got Bioshock Infinite last week. Maybe I should have left it at that...

My style of play, if I have one, doesn't lend itself very well to this game. I typically play for a few minutes and then save and go do something else, like mow the lawn (in winter, yeah) or answer the phone because my business partner decided to ask my opinion about the same thing for the third time that day (happens way more than I would like).

Amazon can bite my ass

By Q-Bert - Posted on 22 February 2013

So, I created an Amazon user account so that I can use the Kindle app on my new iPad mini.
Inside of 20 minutes of me creating the account, I got 10 spam emails (non Amazon) and 3 robo-phone calls (non Amazon) to sell me shit. All to my home phone and personal email address.

I usually use fictitious phone numbers and disposable email addresses, but Amazon is a Big Company(tm) and they specifically tell you in the account creation that they will verify the email and phone number by calling you. Nice.

Fuck you, Amazon.

Feel the love

By Q-Bert - Posted on 22 September 2012

When I chatted online with Revek to see why he was ditching Stormblade's wedding, I got:

Jehreg: You sick ?

Revek: Yup

Jehreg: snif snif, or bleurrrrrrrrrrrgggghhh ?

Revek: Not bleuuuiirrrrghhh
Revek: But not sniff snifff

Jehreg: Ah, it's your time of the month, I see.
Jehreg: Did you eat your own chili ?

Revek: Won't have voice today, head is pounding

Jehreg: That's perfect.

Revek: Only taste

Edit: Yes, I reveked the title.

Introducing: The Towel

By Q-Bert - Posted on 05 July 2012

As you guys know, I constantly find myself with copious free time and I have decided to get back into R/C.

A few years back, I got myself a R/C truck, and Revek and Blackwalt soon followed my lead. This time, I don't think they will follow me in my folly. I have decided to learn to fly, with a First Person Video setup (AKA "Flight Sim mode").

I was warned that it is quite the expensive hobby, especially when you have never flown before and expect to crash many planes before you get it right. Since I am a cheap bastard, that didn't sound much like my style. Read more

Aku ?

By Q-Bert - Posted on 29 June 2012

MQX Quad Copter - First flights

By Q-Bert - Posted on 07 April 2012

It's not zombies, and it's not legos, but it may pass the geek test.

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