You are hereHive locations: Call of Duty Ghosts Nemesis DLC maps

Hive locations: Call of Duty Ghosts Nemesis DLC maps

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 August 2014

This is Coxxorz's fault

"Damn, if we’re first to post all the hive locations, think of how many people will visit our site!"

Well, we are probably not first but...

Herd of Cats' Guide to the Call of Duty: Ghosts Eggstra Nemesis Achievement

Amazingly enough, all of these hives were found without resorting to Google. We setup a private map and wandered around randomly peeking in corners until we found the hidden hives. Subzero and Dynasty were easy enough with Dynasty taking the least time. Goldrush took a few visits but was relatively obvious to spot. Showtime was not easy in any way. With it being the smallest map I was expecting it to be the quickest. It was not. It was the most convoluted to get to and took the longest to find. But we (Herd of Cats) did find it on our own. Which impressed us if no one else.

Enough complaining, here we go!

First Map: Subzero

The first Hive discovered by Herd of Cats was on the map Subzero. It is located in the bottom of the missile silo located in the North East (Top Right) corner of the Map. You need to shoot through the locking mechanism for the missile silo. Line up the shot using the gap on the right hand side.

    Location on Map:

So... I have shaky hands...So... I have shaky hands...


Looking down into the missile siloLooking down into the missile silo

    Zoomed in:

Close up.Close up.

Second Map: Dynasty

The second hive on Dynasty is located off the west of the map. It is located on the deck of a Junk floating in the harbour. It is visible from one of the starting spawn points.

    Location on Map:

Look off the left side of the mapLook off the left side of the map


I believe this type of boat is called a junkI believe this type of boat is called a junk

    Zoomed in:

Right there on the main deckRight there on the main deck

Third Map: Goldrush

The third hive is located underground in the mines of Goldrush. One of the mine cart tracks plummets of the side of a cliff. The tunnel where the track should continue hides the third hive. Standing at the very bottom middle of the map look to the east for a tunnel with a broken mine cart track going into it. Deep in this tunnel you will find the hive.

    Location on Map:

Bottom middle of the map, off the map to the right sideBottom middle of the map, off the map to the right side


Standing on a little spur of land sticking out beside a support beamStanding on a little spur of land sticking out beside a support beam

    Zoomed in:

Deep inside the tunnel on the left hand sideDeep inside the tunnel on the left hand side

Fourth Map: Showtime

This one took a while. It is a pain to get as it is such a free for all map and it is difficult to reach. You need to climb up on some crates next to the left support post of the stage and jump across to a raised area in the corner. I am including extra photos to help make sense of these instructions.

    Location on Map:

East side of the map on the left of the stageEast side of the map on the left of the stage


Gun 2? When does that come out?Gun 2? When does that come out?

    Zoomed in:

Straight shot through a broken windowStraight shot through a broken window

    Additional Instructions:

Jump up on the crates next to the stage postJump up on the crates next to the stage post

Now jump across to the raised area which will let you see in the windowNow jump across to the raised area which will let you see in the window

What's next?

That is it for the regular multi-player Nemesis maps. Time to load up Extinction: Exodus and activate one generator to unlock your 20G achievement.

Hope this guide helped you. I am verbally firing off these instructions to SeanMCR over an Xbox Live chat as I am trying to finish the story.

Eggstra Nemesis! (I know, shaky)Eggstra Nemesis! (I know, shaky)

Just to warn you, the system lies. You don't need to activate a generator, you just need to survive one round. Opening a door and surviving the first wave is sufficient.

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments. Fire off an email to Half-pint's address at the bottom of the page if you are looking for a login. We approve these things randomly.

Coxxorz's picture

You're hunting hives to get the achievement, not eggs!

Although I did think Blackwalt's teddy bear theory had merit, based on previous (convoluted) Call of Duty easter eggs. Here's hoping they unlock some other secret achievement. Maybe a mega, cross-dlc activated, egg-stra double secret one!

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