You are hereGetting ready to go out on the...
Getting ready to go out on the...
...Future Shop parking lot? What the...
Yes, I am weak. After my late night (very) experience with Halo 2 and EBGames I swore I would never do another Midnight Game launch. Something to do with the "we only have 2 registers and only one of them can do credit card/interac at a time." Through dialup... Yes multiply that by the 100-150 people in front of me and I should have just gone home. I think it netted me a little one inch Halo 2 pin so technically it wasn't a total loss. (Yes it was)
But Coxxorz has been working on me and face it I owe him too many favours to count. So instead of writing the favours off and stop even counting them I decided to do a nice thing.
"I'll go with you, pick me up on your way there." Crap! Think he heard me? Can I take that back before he agrees?
Dammit, too late! Stupid, stupid, stupid...
So I am resigned to go to Future Shop tonight but this time I decided to be a little more prepared. We both pre-paid full price so we should only have to do a pickup and not even see a register. No waiting for credit/debit transactions tonight.
And this time we are supposed to get a hat. Yes a hat. Weeee!
Anyhow, this font of enthusiasm is my weak attempt to convince other HoC members to join us tonight! It will be fun! The more the merrier! GTA4!!!! You know you want it! Who needs sleep anyway! It's not the midnight sale that kills you, its the 3-4 hours of playing GTA4 afterwards!!
supposed to convince you to join us.
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But I am agreeing with Q-Bert.
Has to happen once a decade.
Free haaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
I was out on the open seas enjoying some scuba diving with the sharks and the sting rays, or I would have joine you.
....female sharks and sting rays?
He wouldn't have noticed.
That is exactly what I said to Aku on the phone when we spoke earlier.