You are hereHoC interviews Order of Canada Recipient Dr. Robin Williams

HoC interviews Order of Canada Recipient Dr. Robin Williams

By RocketRoland - Posted on 16 February 2015

Hey guys I'm Rocketroland and this weekend I interviewed an Order of Canada recipient Doctor Robin Williams. I'd like to thank her for setting aside some time for the interview.

    RocketRoland: So how did you get the Order of Canada.

    Dr. Robin Williams: Oh that's a really good question. You know what, I am a team player so I have had wonderful people that I have worked with my whole life and as a result I've been able to do some things that have made a difference for...

    RocketRoland: the Early Years Center...

    Dr. Robin Williams: ...the Early Years Center is one example so there isn't any single thing that I did, it's just that I had a whole bunch of folks that I worked with over the years.

    RocketRoland: OK. Second question, what did if feel like to get the Order of Canada.

    Dr. Robins Williams' Order of CanadaDr. Robins Williams' Order of CanadaDr. Robin Williams: Very special. Very special and the most special part was having all my family here in Ottawa, all the important people in my life that were able to come including you guys that are new friends, Hilary and her two kids that were really awesome to have here. That's the most special part is just having wonderful a family around all around.

    RocketRoland: (three takes for question three) Third Question. In thirty words or less can you describe what you just described.

    Dr. Robin Williams: So the best part of being here in Ottawa to get the Order of Canada was going to Rideau Hall and meeting the Governor General but the best, best part was having all of the family here.

    RocketRoland: K.

    Dr. Robin Williams: Okay. Now my question, my question for you, how come you are interested in this.

    RocketRoland: Well in school once we did an interview and, well, questions for an interview and that's what I did here and now I am actually interviewing someone.

    Dr. Robin Williams: Yeah, you did a lovely job. It was Great. Thank you for being interested. Thank you for coming for dinner and going to the parliamentary tour. And thank you for coming to the National Art Gallery and thank you for the great interview.

    RocketRoland: You're welcome.

    Transcribed by Blackwalt so errors are his.

Read more about Dr. Robin Williams and other Members of the Order of Canada on the Governor General's Official Website.

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Did she get a little lapel pin too, like Peter Mansbridge?

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