You are hereReddit AMA with Tim Jones from Rebellion
Reddit AMA with Tim Jones from Rebellion
Tim Jones is the Head of Creative for Rebellion and Zombie Army Trilogy
While the entire Ask Me Anything is still online at Reddit I have picked out the crucial bits to stop all the whining of "too long, did not read."
But I am making you click on Read More to get to the crucial bits so mileage may vary...
- Zombie Army Trilogy runs at 1080p on the Xbox One
- the first two campaigns are re-mastered but are essentially the same as the originals in Nazi Zombie Army 1 and Nazi Zombie Army 2
- some of the zombies are carrying guns but they fire indiscriminately
- North American price will be $49.99
- there are new combat techniques including a curb stomp once you have knocked a zombie down
- there is a Hitler boss fight and you can nut shot him.
Also of interest is the answer to how Nazi Zombie Army came about:
After we finished Sniper Elite V2, we had a few weeks of down-time for some of our staff so decided to see what we could do with it... We were curious about how many characters we could put on screen if we really pushed our Asura engine. We figured zombie AI and behaviours would be relatively simple to implement. We liked the idea of sniping zombies. We put those things together in a prototype and it was immediately apparent that the combination was good!
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