You are here"That's a decision that's completely up to you."

"That's a decision that's completely up to you."

By Blackwalt - Posted on 01 May 2008

Rockstar has a quick response to whether we should return our PS3 copy of the game for an Xbox 360 version

Random PS3 pic: Cause if I'm putting a PS3 pic on the site there has to be something else involved to justify it. -Thx blizzmaxRandom PS3 pic: Cause if I'm putting a PS3 pic on the site there has to be something else involved to justify it. -Thx blizzmaxVideogamer has a story on Rockstar working "around the clock" on PS3 GTA 4 fix.

You noticed that part about it being the PS3 version, didn't you?

    Videogamer was also given some tips on how to combat the freezing experienced on the PS3 version of the game, including:
    • Completely remove the game from the system but leave saves behind. [Reinstall, reinstall, reinstall]
    • Turn the console off for 15 minutes without any cables plugged in, then turn it on and try again. [15 minutes, not 14]
    • Play without access to the Internet.
    • [multiplayer is overrated anyway]
    • Turn off the auto save function and the controller vibration setting. [Who needs that stuff anyway.]
    • Hold it upside down over your head and shake it well. [Ok, I made that one up but why not? It has as much chance of working as the other options.]

    According to Take 2 customer support, "a few cases have resolved themselves" by following these instructions. [...a few cases... ]

      When we asked whether we should return our PS3 copy of the game for an Xbox 360 version, we were advised: "That's a decision that's completely up to you."

Magic 8 ball says "Hell Yes!!!!" Return that PS3 copy for the version that works.

Swag's picture

The problem is also affecting the Xbox version. Althought it seems to be more serious on the PS3.

Stormblade's picture

If I can return my XBox 360 version and get a fun game instead ...

Coxxorz's picture

Unless you count falling out of helicopters and being run over by your "friends" as actually playing the game.

We seriously have to go online and play some team missions with people who actually know what the fuck they're doing in this game. And no, those times where our game unexpectedly filled up with strangers don't count either.

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