You are here和碩 獲藍光Xbox 360訂單

和碩 獲藍光Xbox 360訂單

By Blackwalt - Posted on 02 May 2008

It took me a while to track this story back to the original posting.

Here's a excerpt:

    在新世代遊戲機市場方面,由於HD(高解析度)DVD即將停產,原支持HD DVD陣營的微軟,除宣布停產Xbox 360外接的HD DVD,內部也亟思新款機種的調整,除日前調降Xbox 360主機售價,並將目標放在下半年推出新的藍光機,與新力PS3對決。新機種對Xbox 360後續市占率具指標意義;但因市場仍有庫存,新機種的出貨數量,將視市場反應逐步增加。

And yes, it is big, thank you. Thank you for finding it Blackwalt and thank you for letting us know.

What? Are you serious?


Here is a loose translation at Kotaku. But the original is a better read.

Stormblade's picture

With this announcement, Apple moves closer to what I have been saying all along. Why would anyone buy a new fixed media solution for movies when they're all going online anyway?

It's closer than you think.

Coxxorz's picture

Because by the time people figure out that they're paying for something but not actually owning that thing, it will be too late for hard media.

That and the fact that if the movie studios are pushing it, it must not be good for the consumer in some way.

Stormblade's picture

As it has been pointed out in several places, including C|Net, people are finally figuring out the the hype was just that.

Why waste money on formats with no shelf life?

If I could only learn this about over-hyped video games (i.e. GTA4, R6V2, Halo 3), I would save myself money and aggravation.

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