You are hereAC Unity: I figured this was inevitable but still...

AC Unity: I figured this was inevitable but still...

By Blackwalt - Posted on 17 May 2015

I couldn't manage to put it off any longer

Every so often you get an urge to buy a new game. Whether you are bored or whether it has just been too long since your last game purchased. Don't get me wrong, I am still enjoying The Crew and have enjoyed my recent foray back into World at War. But that urge has still been growing. I discovered that buying a game for your son does not decrease the urge. Apparently your subconscious realizes that it shouldn't really count.

When I picked up my Xbox One last Black Friday I may not have mentioned that it was the Assassin's Creed version with a copy of Assassin's Creed Unity and Assassin's Creed Black Flag included. I have managed since then to hold off my "new game" urge with cheap copies of Watch Dogs, The Crew, and even Zombie Army Trilogy was on sale. I even borrowed games from my neighor, "hey buddy, do you gotta hit?" But the last month or so urge was growing and with the EBGames Game Days sale throwing games in my face I had to resort to drastic measures to fight off the urge.

Drastic measures...

I can not count the number of times in the past six months I have said to Coxxorz "I almost installed Assassin's Creed Unity again." I can say that no longer.

I only hope that it has been patched enough to be playable.

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