You are hereRound 19 reached in Exo-Zombies' Carrier

Round 19 reached in Exo-Zombies' Carrier

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 June 2015

And it was more than just the return of our bass player

To say we have not been impressed by Call of Duty Advanced Warfare's Exo-Zombie mode would be putting it mildly. Neither Outbreak or Infection were appreciated by us and we couldn't wait to return to Zombie Army Trilogy or Call of Duty Ghosts' Extinction. We tried Exo-Zombies, did not like it, moved on.

This all changed with the release of the third DLC which included the Exo-Zombie map Carrier.

SeanMCR, Graybush and Blackwalt discovered something surprising when we first started playing it, "Is it me or are we enjoying this?"

Turns out we were enjoying it. Carrier offered a ton of content, side missions, a plinko machine, teleporters, security systems, upgrades, random human AI attacks, and a decent map size and design.

Even the advent of our fourth player, Coxxorz, couldn't take that enjoyment away. We managed to match our three player high of Round 19, with four players:

Round 19 is our high so far. We are planning on playing it more to try to improve that score.

    "planning on playing it more"

Right there Carrier is already showing itself as a massive improvement over Outbreak and Infection. It seems to have taken Sledgehammer Games three tries to get a handle on Zombie Mode but to be fair they did get there.

I find myself in the previously unforeseen position of looking forward to the fourth DLC. Bring it on!

Until then expect to find us online perfecting our play style on the Carrier. I need to play more Plinko.

For comparison here is an image showing our three player high so far:

Also Round 19.

Coxxorz's picture

I would categorize this Exo Zombies map under "do not hate".

Blackwalt's picture

Coxxorz's picture

That's actually a pretty good graphic.

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