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Lame, Static Product Selection

By Stormblade - Posted on 05 May 2008

Anyone else notice that the HoCP stuff at CafePress is the same, boring, old, so-last-year stuff it has always been. Someone, who shall remain nameless but has recently been whoring himself all over the site, has not produced anything revolutionary - nor even slightly different - since his hate-on for Shadoe.

Maybe he could stop messing with the site and start doing something creative that we might be able to order ...

Just saying ...

Coxxorz's picture

That wasn't me who messed up the site recently. So at least one person lied on the poll.

Give me your merchandise ideas, and perhaps they shall come to pass.

Stormblade's picture

Did I name names? No. Someone has a guilty conscience.

I was thinking of a shirt with the HoC logo and a stylized 'Runt of the Litter', or something like that.

I don't know, you're the expert!

Coxxorz's picture

But I need inspiration from you schmucks. HoC logo is obvious. What is the significance of "runt of the litter"?

Stormblade's picture

It's another way of saying 'Moron', 'Loser', 'Revek', 'Q-Bert' ...

And it's like a cat thing. You know, a littler of cats ...

Work with me here. At least I am thinking of something

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