You are hereLooking for Imac G3 wireless adapter.

Looking for Imac G3 wireless adapter.

By Q-Bert - Posted on 30 August 2007

Anyone got one of them lying around?

I got a wireless card from Blackwalt, but the iMac didn't come with the adapter dammit. I wonder why that was overlooked again...

Blackwalt's picture

Seriously, ever airport card used to come with one and I only bought them for laptops.

Open box, remove card chassis, toss card chassis, it was a routine.

Until I needed one....

Q-Bert's picture

... That means you don't have access to any.

Blackwalt's picture

Was about 5 years ago.

It involved ripping my office apart (literally) while diggin through every spare parts bin in my office (hint - more than one).

Eventually, caught one out of the corner of my eye stuck in the 1/2 inch gap between my desk and my set of shelves where it had fallen at least two years previously.

So. No. No more.

Although you might convince its present owner to give it up if you ask nicely. I would direct your request to your oldest daughter as its in the tangerine iMac she is using.

Q-Bert's picture

That would kinda defeat the purpose...

/me goes to Ebay

Stormblade's picture

If you don't find one, I need the card ... :)

Q-Bert's picture

Why ?

Stormblade's picture

With nowhere to live until I get a wireless card. But you worry about getting the machine working for your kids. I can pick one up.

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