You are hereBest Black Ops 3 LAN poster Ever!

Best Black Ops 3 LAN poster Ever!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 22 November 2015

I think our Head Designer has peaked...

Complete with sarcasm, humour, and Graybush abuse. Abuse that Graybush brought upon himself.

There is a long running belief by designers (and other production persons) that clients always provide few ideas for any project as well as waiting to the last possible minute to provide any details. This week leading up to the HoC/Graybush Black Ops 3 co-op day Coxxorz lived this. Summarized in the included text available after the break. Note that this text exchange occurred the Thursday afternoon before the Saturday Co-op Day.

Designer revenge served up by Coxxorz. To be fair also the best EVER! Herd of Cats' LAN poster. Even knowing in advance he was doing something based on the text I could not help but laugh when I saw the final result. Excellent work. Excellent humour. Excellent sarcasm. Best Black Ops 3 LAN poster ever.

Now we expect you to do this for every future HoC LAN party but better, with less notice, and in half the time.

Good copies for decorating your game room are available through the usual sources.

Graybush's picture

I expect only perfection from Coxxorz and he always delivers. (Complete autonomy next time. I know he won't disappoint. No pressure.)

Coxxorz's picture

You have no idea how badly I want to do sarcastic stuff like this at work on a daily basis.

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