You are hereReaching for Round 40 in the Giant
Reaching for Round 40 in the Giant
Last night Stormblade joined our two player attempt as the third player
Apparently math is not his strong suit. It's hard to get to two player Round 40 when there are three of you. Still we could make a serious attempt at beating our Round 35 three player high.
If he could stay alive past Round 4!
Check out after the break to see how well Graybush did.
Round 3. Good job there Graybush.
Now it may be claimed by some that between Graybush going down and Stormblade going down that a third member of the team may have gone down. What do we says to these ridiculous claims?
Pics or it didn't happen.
These mistakes occurred during our third attempt. Our first attempt ended poorly in a completely understandable Herd of Cats' way.
We got the Fire Sale power up right in the middle of Round 14. It was early and we all needed to tickle trunk cheaply. So all three of exclaimed that we were tickle trunking, all three of turned around to the trunk at the back of the Catwalk of Hope and Love, all three of us tried to hit X. Since we all spoke at once no one heard anyone else and all three of us ended up at the back of the catwalk.
Facing away from the zombies and the totally uncovered catwalk. It ended as you would expect.
Our second attempt went better.
Honest, this was better. It was further into Round 14 and we didn't end in a totally embarrassing way. Embarrassing yes but not totally.
Our third attempt was almost a complete success. Until deep into Round 31 when Stormblade realized we weren't going to reach his promised Round 40 or even our previous three player Round 35.
Stormblade: "hey I just crashed..."
Sure. Sure you did. You "crashed". In a totally believable and random way. It wasn't at all convenient.
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I was in the middle of a firefight on the Catwalk of Hope and Love and suddenly my XBone made a buzzing noise, followed by it providing me with a lovely view of the home screen.
I was still in the party though, which would explain the vulgar expletives I could here coming from Graybush and Blackwalt. Really guys, you both have children who look up to you.
I, on the other hand, was perfectly calm. Perfectly, dammit!