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Zombies. The Giant. Four players. Round 35

By Blackwalt - Posted on 10 December 2015

Last night's zombie mode started in an atmosphere of animosity

Before the zombies even appeared!

The above photo is from two nights ago when we had the same four zombie killers and we were getting along. Until Round 5. Last night we were not getting along. Hampered by issues with Xbox Live and the Xbox Party system we were have worse communication than normal. What communication we had crossed beyond our usual lines of sarcasm, rejoinders and abusive remarks. It was getting ugly.

The above photo is still from two nights ago. Round 17 is better than Round 5 but we were expecting better. All of us were looking toward Sega Nite for another, stronger attempt. Which is why last nights' atmosphere of mistrust and biting sarcasm surprised us all.

Stormblade was abusing Blackwalt, Blackwalt was abusing Stormblade, Graybush was making comments outside of his normal calmness. Everyone was upset at SeanMCR. Even SeanMCR was upset with SeanMCR. It was getting ugly and the zombies were taking advantage. We were struggling early. Poor weapon options, no perks until later than usual, one person had all the money but other, poorer players, were opening the doors. Miscommunication.

    "Dammit, I lost my perks when I went down!"

    "You had perks?"

I was getting less money than usual and didn't get setup the way I wanted until the early twenty rounds. From numerous complaints from others, everyone was in similar shape. Every time I got all my perks organized I went down again. $11,500 each time. Which I didn't have and it didn't include my weapons.

As mentioned previously Stormblade was having problems of his own.

During our last round I had to leave for a family emergency. I was gone 10 minutes and everyone was still alive and going strong when I got back. I was impressed. Briefly as it turned out.


I remember when Graybush and I hit our record Round 39 in the original Black Ops. That did not start well either:

...start excerpt...

    So some games don't start well...

    This one didn't.

    Some games are bad in the middle portion...

    This one was really bad in the middle portion. Capital B bad.

...end excerpt...

Starting badly and finishing strongly seems to work for us. In Zombie Mode at least. This may explain how we managed to reach a new HoC high for "the giant."

Round 35 with four players:

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