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HoC Random Meme of the Day - 06082016

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 June 2016

So... I found this...

Stormblade's picture

MauriceRevek's picture

A tank for ANTS?!?

- Or -

I think I'm going to need a smaller mistle launcher.

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Oops, dit I step on something? Somethign felt squishy and crunchy under my foot.

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Asta la Vista..... Tanky.

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I know what you must be thinking. Did he fire one mistle or none? Well what do you think punk. Are you feeling luck?

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I've got a goooood feeling about this.

- Or -

Hickory dickory dock.
This tank was running amok.. amoke... amock?
I flushed him out,
He gave a shout
Then I sent him to the graveyard of forgoten dreams and this is derailing faster than an Aku joke about Mac users.

- Or -

< Fill in the blank>

Stormblade's picture

I can somewhat figure out what you are on about. This time, I have absolutely no idea. What's with the ant tank?

MauriceRevek's picture

Look behind Rolly. Granted my Photoshop skills are about as good as my composition, but it should still be recognisable.

Stormblade's picture

I saw that, but I didn't get the point of it. I guess it's just too deep for my sense of humour.

Q-Bert's picture

Never change.

MauriceRevek's picture

You never heard of mistle TOW?

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