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I can't wait for the new iPhone

By Q-Bert - Posted on 30 May 2008

Stormblade's picture

I have shown this to a few people and therefore have watched it a couple of times and I must admit I have an issue with the term 'Grail Tablets'.

I mean, the Holy Grail was a cup. The Tablets engraved with the Ten Commandments were, um, tablets. Never the twain shall meet.

Just sayin'.

MauriceRevek's picture

One of those creatively inspired moments a la Cheech and Chong that produced that name. I could just picture it....

too doo loo loo
too doo loo loo
too doo loo loo

"Hey man. I just got the new phone from the techies. Check it out."

"Wow. Verry cool man. What's it called?"

"They did not name it yet man. That's why they sent it over. It's our job to find a name for it."

"Yeah man. We're the marketing department! We're the ones who are supposed to find the cool names for our products!"

"Hey man. Simmer down. Your gonna spoil the vibe."

"Yeah man. Sorry. So what ch'you go in your hands man?"

"Oh, it's the new phone from the techies. We're supposed to come up with a name for it."

"Cool. What's it do?"

"It's phones people and stuff man".

"Far out dude. Kinda small though."

"Yeah it is. Hey check this out. You can watch movies with it. Whatch what happens when I do this."

(Turns it sideways)

"Woah. Tha's cool man. I can see myself like in a mirror."

"Yeah, now watch what happens when I play a movie."

(Turns the phone on and starts a movie.)

"Hey man! That's us last night when we were trying to install that service pack on Vista. Did we ever get it done?"

"Nah, we gave up man. Got some new material for the next commercial though. Gonna be real cool."

"Alright! We gonna make fun of olb blue again! Hey! what's that in your hands man? That's us in a movie!"

"Yeah, it's the new phone from the techies. Check what happens to the movie when I turn it."

(Turn phone 90 degrees)

"Woah man! I'm freekign out! The movie just flipped!"

"Don't worry dude. It's supposed to do that. See?"

(Turns it another 90 degrees)

"Woooah! Far out!"

"So we gotta come up with a name for it man. What do you think of 'Phone that I can use to play movies and turn sideways and the picture is always right side up."

"I dunno man. I think it's a bit too wordy."

"Yeah, your probably right man. Hey I know! Since it's small, we can call it 'ph' (pronouced 'ffff'). You know? Like phone, but smaller?"

"That's a great idea man. Oh wait. I think we tried that before dude."

"Oh yeah. Your're right. I think the techies said 'uck. Now way.'"

"Yeah. That was funny man. Remember Norm? He almost poped a vein. They should really learn out to chill man."

"Yeah. Hey. What's this in my hands?"

"Oh that's the new phone you brought from the techies man."

"Oh yeah. We have to find a name for it."

"Hey man. Why don't we call it 'Chicklet'. It kinda looks like a piece of gum."

"I don't know man. I think that name is taken."

"Yeah. You'r probably right."

(Techie walks in)

"Hey chowder brains! Have you guys come up with a name yet?"

"Chill man. We're workin like really hard at it man."

"Well hurry up guys. You know that the big brass is really anxious about this one. They're calling it the 'Holy Grail of Tablet computers' and they want to make sure that it gets a good name."

(Techie walks out. Marketing guys look at each other. Eyes widden.)

"Dude! Grail Tablets!"

"Yeah man! It was thinking the same thing!"

"Alright. Now we can get to some serious stuff. Got any smokes man?"

"Yeah. Just a sec man. Hey. What's that in your hands?"

Coxxorz's picture

Anybody have the Cole's Notes for this post?

Stormblade's picture

He cut and pasted it from somewhere, because if he thought this up and wrote it at work, I want HIS job!

Q-Bert's picture

I recognize his writing.

Stormblade's picture

That only Apple can make cool stuff? You'd think there'd be another company on the entire freaking planet that could make something nearly as useful and cool as Apple does.

It was obvious the sand from the Ark of the Covenant would be next. What else is there?

All hail Steve!!

A Troll's picture

Does Apple make anything like X-BOX or Play Station? No!!!!!
Does Apple make any great software? Not really.

So other companies do make cool stuff silly boy.

The iPod is great because of the user interface, not due to the way it looks. The iPhone is popular because it is based upon the iPod. It does not have teh functionallity of many of the phones you find in Japan, Korea or Europe.

Coxxorz's picture

And be completely wrong on every point you try to make!

Except the last one. I don't need a frigging camera, keyboard, and GPS in my phone. Oh, wait...

Swag's picture

I think that apple does a great job in the aesthetics department, which is really the only reason why the ipod (for example) has done so well. All other mp3 players look like crap.

MauriceRevek's picture

Something else you can drool at at a distance, never allowed to acually get? Wait a sec. That sounds like my sex life.

Stormblade's picture

It's bad enough when you leave yourself open to attack by accident! When you set yourself up like this, with so many comeback options, you make it hard not to spend the rest of the day hurling abuse in your direction.

MauriceRevek's picture

You guys with some kind of entertainement to help make your borring days pass by faster.

Akuf's picture

...Brad Pitt is out of your league. Besides he has Angelina.

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