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Herd of Cats now experimenting with Twitch

By Blackwalt - Posted on 19 July 2017

I warned you this might be bad

The Herd of Cats twitch feed is available here. Don't expect a lot of content right away as we are mostly experimenting.

Coxxorz and I are having a Fortnite co-op day and since most of you can't make it (or, maybe, weren't invited) we thought it would only be considerate of us to let you watch us play.

Starting sometime early afternoon this Friday we will start streaming our initial experience with Fortnite. Have watching some early streams of Fortnite I have discovered that there is no way we can be worse.

Coxxorz is concerned about what he might say about other clan members while he is broadcasting. If nothing else will make you tune in, that should do it. Me personally? I insult most of you to your faces so how different will this be? (Except Stormblade because that is a secret hate. I may need to run a separate stream just for that...)

Anyone joining our Xbox Live party will be added to the stream so feel free to join us virtually.

Also if you have picked up a copy of the game be sure to join our party as well. Also virtually unless pre-approved by Nicky and Furball. So, yeah, not you. Probably not you either.

Again Herd of Cats on Twitch.

If others want to stream to the Herd of Cats channel as well let me know and I will send you the login information. If I can figure it out.

PLEASE NOTE: tonight's Sega Nite may end up being streamed as an additional test of our system. I, for one, cannot wait.

Stormblade's picture

The idea of watching someone else play a video game for entertainment is so beyond my comprehension as to be up there with the thought of Donald Trump being the US President ... wait.

Joking aside, I would rather watch paint dry. I'm surprised you went there.

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