You are hereThe World lost George Romero, 77, on July 17

The World lost George Romero, 77, on July 17

By Blackwalt - Posted on 20 July 2017

Time to shut down the site I guess

No!!! Not George! The God Father of Zombies and a star in Call of Duty's Zombie Mode passed away due to lung cancer.

Here is an excerpt from the Globe and Mail:

    George Romero, whose classic Night of the Living Dead and other horror films turned zombie movies into social commentaries and who saw his flesh-devouring undead spawn countless imitators, remakes and homages, has died. He was 77.

    Mr. Romero died Sunday following a battle with lung cancer, his family said in a statement provided by his manager Chris Roe. Mr. Romero’s family said he died while listening to the score of The Quiet Man, one of his favourite films, with his wife, Suzanne Desrocher, and daughter, Tina Romero, by his side.

Go well George, if anyone deserves to come back as a zombie, it should be you.

Stormblade's picture

At least it is more relevant than Forearm ... er, Foreplay ... um, whatever.

Blackwalt's picture

That you actually know what foreplay is!

Boy have you changed.

Stormblade's picture

It's that weird, complicated game you want us all to play. Why wouldn't I know that?

MauriceRevek's picture

I think I missed something. When did you guys start playing Boston music? And is it in the accordéon?

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