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As I sit here waiting for my support client to call...

By Q-Bert - Posted on 15 June 2008

Boredom sets in. Hmmm, what would be cool to do with Gabba? I know! Water rockets!

So, I started researching water rockets. Man, there is a LOT of good stuff out there. Nothing that might kill me, though.... oh well. This could still be fun.

How about I make this a bit more interesting for everyone ? Let's make it a summer event.

My back yard is perfect for this. Plenty of extra room for failed attempts.

We have to create vehicles and launchers.

For my first vehicle, I think I'll use a small plastic Perrier bottle. For the launcher/coupling, I found a Gardenia coupler that I had laying around. Since I know that Revek will be quite happy to lend me his compressor, then I just need to setup a union between the compressor adapter and the gardenia coupler. See below.

The missing part could be this coupler but probably won't be an exact match. I might have to find a coupler that will bring it down to the compressor attachment threads.

As you can imagine, with a direct connect to the compressor, I will be able to tune the PSI to the rocket. I will have to goof around some form of quick release mechanism with the Gardenia connector, but this should not be too difficult.

So, guys, are you with me on this ? When would be a good time to try them out ?

Coxxorz's picture

That's the most elaborate launch mechanism I've ever seen. Why not just let the kids do it manually? It's a great way to cool off in the summer.

Anyway, there is a female Gardena adapter that might save you some gluing at the bottle cap end.

Blackwalt's picture

Keep Gabba out of this.

Q-Bert's picture

Live a little... Besides, *you* have a boy; he'll be doing shit like this, like it or not.

Blackwalt's picture

...he will just watch you damage yourself do it.

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