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Operation Petticoat – now in Ottawa

By Blackwalt - Posted on 16 June 2008

It's light red!

Almost all of you know that we have been working on a playstructure Pirate Ship for Rolly in our backyard. You also know that it exists solely based on the hard work of Rolly's grandfather (Kudo's to my dad on Father's Day btw).

This weekend we started painting. On Saturday we finished with a white primer coat all over the ship. Blindingly all over the ship. It glows. Guba calls it our beached whale. And technically Q-Bert helped. The plank, one 2x4, and lots of verbal sarcasm. Right. I forgot. Thanks Q-Bert. That felt sincere didn't it?

So yesterday (yes, on Father's Day) we started the red coat (Sundried Tomato is the official colour name) and it went okay until it clouded over and stared raining lightly. Pack up and put everything away under the dark clouds.

Most of what we had done was sheltered and it wasn't raining hard so hopefully the water soluble paint would survive.

Surprisingly two hours later, it had. The clouds were gone and it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. "Should we try to paint some more?" The answer, from Rolly, was a resounding yes.

So out we went all three of us and started painted the red coat again. We gave Rolly a small roller and strict instructions on what he could paint. He then ignored us and painted anything that stood still long enough. And some stuff that didn't. Sorry Half-pint. How's that taste?

Then it clouded over. A little. Then a little more... Was that thunder? Yes. Was that lightning? Yes. Was that Rain? Yes.

We tarped what we could and packed up everything and hoped that enough of the paint had dried enough to stick.

Was that a torrential downpour? Why yes, yes it was.

"How's the paint holding up?"

Well its still red...

... a light red.

...a lighter red.

"Umm, that's pink."

Well okay, but it's a very light pink.

No sign of John Astin when you need him.

Yes I will post pictures when I get them.

Blackwalt's picture

Blackwalt's picture

Coxxorz's picture

This thread is worthless without them!

Speaking of which, what is the point of posting 1" thumbnails of a photo that when clicked, expands to... the same 1" photo?

Stormblade's picture

I was wondering that myself, but was too polite to say anything.

Also, I figured I could just leave it to you ...

Blackwalt's picture

How could that possibly be important?

The pictures are the size that the pictures are.

No conspiracy.

And nowhere near the first time I have done this.

Good late catch there Sherlock(s).

Stormblade's picture

We just didn't care before.

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