You are hereSTAR WARS: Squadrons - Starfighters of the Empire

STAR WARS: Squadrons - Starfighters of the Empire

By Blackwalt - Posted on 25 September 2020

Which Evil Starfighter will you be flying?

Individual Starfighter details after the break...


Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  The standard starfighter of the Imperial Navy, the TIE (Twin Ion Engine) fighter is sturdy (despite a lack of deflector shields), faster, and more agile than its Rebel X-wing counterpart, and versatile enough to serve in multiple roles. Its speed, maneuverability, tiny silhouette, and good forward visibility give it an edge in a dogfight, while its armor and payload options make it useful against enemy capital ships as well.

Starfighter Class Fighter
Maneuverability Medium
Firepower Medium
Armor Medium
Shields None
Silhouette Harder to see and hit from front or rear, easier to see and hit from the sides.
Cockpit visibility Excellent forward visibility, including below the horizon line, but all other directions are mostly occluded. There are small viewports in the access hatch and the aft bulkhead, but the views are limited.


Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  A heavily armored tank of a ship, the TIE surface assault bomber is the slowest and least responsive ship in the Imperial roster, but that thick armor allows it to hang tough in a firefight against the faster ship classes. In a head-to-head joust with any other ship, the bomber – with its powerful loadout – will always come out on top. As the name implies, it is primarily designed for bombing runs, particularly on large capital ships. It can weather a storm of turbolaser fire to lay down a swath of destruction across heavily armored hulls, hampering or destroying escorts and flagships alike.

Starfighter Class Bomber
Maneuverability Low
Firepower High
Armor High
Shields None
Silhouette Harder to see and hit from front or rear, easier to see and hit from the sides and above.
Cockpit visibility Excellent forward visibility, including below the horizon line, but all other directions are mostly occluded. There are small viewports in the access hatch and the aft bulkhead, but the views are limited.


Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  The TIE interceptor is the lightest, fastest, and most responsive starfighter in space. It can use its high acceleration and turn rates to outmaneuver an enemy fighter, evade missiles, and dodge incoming cannon fire from capital ship turrets. This manoeuvrability is essential, because while it is the fastest, it is also the most fragile – sacrificing armor and shields for speed and agility. The TIE interceptor is an excellent choice for taking out enemy fighters and bombers, and for strafing turrets and subsystems on capital ships. The TIE interceptor is, however, not likely to put much of a dent in a capital ship’s hull.

Starfighter Class Interceptor
Maneuverability High
Firepower High (against starfighters)
Armor Low
Shields None
Silhouette Harder to see and hit from front or rear, easier to see and hit from the sides.
Cockpit visibility Excellent forward visibility, including below the horizon line, but all other directions are mostly occluded. There are small viewports in the access hatch and the aft bulkhead, but the views are limited.


Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

  Surprisingly nimble for a ship of its bulk, the TIE reaper support craft brings many advantages to a squadron, and many disadvantages to that squadron’s opponents. One of the few Imperial starfighters equipped with deflector shields, it trades some firepower for squadron force-multiplying abilities, reloading allies and providing repair droids in the thick of battle.

Starfighter Class Support
Maneuverability Medium
Firepower Low
Armor High
Shields High
Silhouette Harder to see and hit from front or rear, easier to see and hit from above or below.
Cockpit visibility Visibility is unobstructed forward, above and to the sides, but restricted below and to the rear of the cockpit. There is some limited visibility below the pilot’s feet.
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Pfffft "evil"

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