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Man some people are gullible

By Akuf - Posted on 16 July 2008

Ok this is how this all started Accomplice #1 and myself sent a text message to victim saying: "Press 6 to view the rest of this message"
Then Revek himself and accomplice #2 came into the picture

And here is the email conversation that followed:

What is that text you guys sent Press 6 to receive the rest of the message?

Accomplice #1:
must be broken...have you called anyone with a '6' in their phone number recently?

Yes it has a 6 but i press and nothing happens.

Do i reply with a 6 and send?

No you just press and hold it for a couple of seconds...

Should work.
How old is your phone? it is probably not press 6 compatible.
Because of the release of the iphone and the new Ultra GSM and G3 networks
your phone needs to be compatible with either one of those networks to be press 6 compatible

Are you with Rogers?

Yup with rogers

How old is your phone?

It's a razor

Yeah they are old and incompatible

You will need something from at least 2008
You should upgrade soon because the networks are all changing.
And you may not be able to use your phone at all anymore.

well what kind of phone should i get, My razor is pretty new well i thought.
HOLY COW technologie is moving fast.

Hey Victim,

I forwarded your email to Accomplice#2 (My Chinese Friend) and Revek (You met him in the past).
Anyway, I think Accomplice#2 has a Razor too and I think he figured out a way to make Press 6 work.

He also got press 9 to work as well. Though no one uses press 9 yet that will be implemented later on.

So if your phone can't do the Press 6 - 9 functions you will have to call rogers and ask for the press 69 feature.

What does it do when you press 6 or 9?
Ok so Accomplice#2 or Revek knows how to get it too work.

Yes Accomplice#2 Knows how to get it to work I think Revek does as well which is why I sent the email to him.

My phone is an older Samsung - I can send Press 6-9 compatible messages, but I have to use left arrow, back, back to read them.

When i press 6 it's brings me to the 6 message in my inbox

Wait until Accomplice#2 or Revek gets back to you he got it to work

Yes, the 6 - 9 function works on my phone, but I have not had to use it in a while.

Hey Victim,

Actually, I am no longer using the RAZOR.
I am using a LG (got it from oversea), since the Press 9 or 6 implementation is much better than Motorola.

Anyway, for your RAZOR, the issue is Roger locked all their phone initially.[If your phone is unlocked already, then it is a different issue]
In simple terms, RAZOR has the Press 6 function but it was disabled by Roger.

1) Upgrade the firmware in the RAZOR, so it will become unlock. [Permanent solution but someone need to open it up]
2) Enable the Press 6 function only. [Patch fix and I found it from a RAZOR forum]]

To enable the press 6 function. Press exactly the following into the phone and then turn it off and on again.

If it works, you should able to view Akufadumamai's message when pressing 6.
If not, there may be some other issues. i.e. Roger not just disabled it but remove it all together from their version of RAZOR firmware.

It is not a big deal if Press 6 is not working since many carriers don't use them anymore.

Let us know how it goes.

Accomplice #2

Oh that is right I remember that now.

Victim, if you need someone to unlock your phone let me know I will give you a number to call.

mm I didn't think my phone was lock.
Ok Akufadumamai i'll have to get you to do this for me.

Can someone tell me what the press 6 option does?

Ok Victim,

I don't know how to do that stuff
But I did talk to a buddy and he said he will do it for you
Here is his number 613-686-3620
His name is Oliver Klozov.

To be continued.....

Akuf's picture

...keep this poor girl going anymore
So I:
HOC members call the number if you want to get a good laugh...It is the rejection Hotline
For those non 613ers do a search for the site and see if there is a local number

Ok Victim,

I don't know how to do that stuff
But I did talk to a buddy and he said he will do it for you
Here is his number 613-686-3620
His name is Oliver Klozov.

Akuf's picture

...holy crap I wonder how far I can take this

Akuf's picture

Just say my name backwards

A Troll's picture

I see it now. I thought it might of been something out of the Lion King.

It would be funny to do that to some people. I know some of my relatives I would really like to do that to.

Akuf's picture

...To Revek's comment.

Yes, the 6 - 9 function works on my phone, but I have not had to use it in a while.

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