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OXM Magazine and free stuff

By Blackwalt - Posted on 28 July 2008

On the DVD that I never look at

So I discovered that OXM Magazine comes with a DVD included. Technically I knew this but I very rarely would put it in my Xbox 360.

That all changed this month when they included free versions of the GRAW 2 Co-op Collection and the GRAW 2 Co-op Collection 2. Because that stuff is useful!

And FREE from OXM. Technically.

In practice the single issue price is slightly more than the online price of the two DLCs once you convert from Microsoft points so it doesn't really appear to be a great deal. So unless you throw money around like MorcieRevek or are interested in the August issue for another reason it would seem smarter to purchase the DLCs online. Seem smarter...

Unless you already subscribe to the magazine which I do OR, and this is a pretty big OR happen to know someone who already subscribes.

Yes, the DVD will install on multiple machines. I have already installed it on both my machines and will most likely pass it on to Coxxorz tomorrow.

One quick warning however, when it says this may take a few minutes to install it means 10-20 minutes, not the 2-3 minutes that one would assume.

Coxxorz's picture

Maybe it's your replacement Xbox that's slow.

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