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Stormblade says "U suck!" update

By Blackwalt - Posted on 06 August 2008

Last minute breaking info

  • I will update this list if anything else comes up.

  • There has been a small leak in the basement while we were away so there may be a bit of an odour. Thanks MoriceRevek for looking after the house. Seem to remember something like this happening when you looked after Q-Bert's place.
  • We aren't sure where everyone is setting up yet. We'll figure it out when you get there.
  • No supper being served. You are on your own.
  • Both my and Stormblade's sons are here. We need to get them to sleep before the party really starts raging.
  • The plan is Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 – the new co-op maps – both sets.
  • Four confirmed physical attendees so far.
  • Haven't arranged much in the way of munchies as I haven't been shopping yet. Hope to but... Lot's of Coke, Diet Coke, and beer.
  • Akuf's picture

    ...of me getting that OXM disc from one of you...

    I mean if I can get it for free....I don't live that far from you blackwalt (if memory serves) unless you have moved since last I was there.

    Coxxorz's picture

    You could swing by with your Xbox, download the new maps, then leave.

    Blackwalt's picture

    I am passing it on to anyone who asks.

    We will need it for tonight I expect but i can pass it on to Revek afterward.

    Get it for tonight is problematic as I expect someone will need it at the event...

    I sure we can figure something out...

    Coxxorz's picture

    "Thanks MoriceRevek for looking after the house. Seem to remember something like this happening when you looked after Q-Bert's place."

    And your Xbox...

    MauriceRevek's picture

    Stay far away from a room where there will be multiple X-Boxes, lots of liquids, potentially messy food.

    Or I could show up, and see what blows up. This could be a fun filled evening. I wonder if I could get some good odds in Vegas.

    Coxxorz's picture

    Nothing exploded.

    MauriceRevek's picture

    There was a very long delay until the gaming actually started.

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