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I've found my new best friend
I wasn't that attached to Stormblade or Coxxorz anyway
Neostead NS2000 pump action shotgun
- Hello NS2000, my new friend,
I've come to kill with you again,
Because a enemy softly creeping,
Took my flag while I was sleeping,
And the noob that was planted on my team
Still remains
Within the sound of shotguns.
- with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel. I'm really, really sorry. I mean that. Sorry.
Well you all know that my preferred weapon for fighting off zombies is a shotgun. Usually though this preference doesn't carry over to FPS games on the Xbox 360. Although you will see me desperately trying to make a shotgun work against all in game logic. Rainbow Six Vegas being a prime example of this.
Battlefield: Bad Company has included shotguns and I have found one that works well. The Neostead NS2000 pump action shotgun. My new best friend.
Strangely though, it follows a design that I had been thinking of in my head (cause that's where I do my thinking) over the past week or so. Those of you who know me may seem surprised that I would think about designing shotguns (well... maybe not) but it happened fairly honestly.
I was thinking about the essential redesign of submachine guns that the FN P-90 represented and was wondering how to apply that design style to an anti-zombie shotgun?
So far I had gotten the shell reloads on top of the shotgun with the barrel mounted below and spent shell casings coming out of a bottom breach. Although i was still confused about getting the pump action to work on the upper barrel with the main barrel below.
Turns out I didn't have to worry about it because these guys at Neostead had already worked it out!
Good for my Battlefield: Bad Company playing as I rule as a Demolitions Guy carrying the NS2000. The NS2000 misinterprets the phrase "one shot one kill" to mean power not skill. A single hit with the NS2000 in Bad Company will take out any opposing player although you really want to hit them first try as the reload time can be a bit nerve-wracking.
NS2000 writeup from Battlefield: Bad Company:
- South African pump action shotgun featuring an unusual bullpup design for a shotgun. Another original solution is the magazine placement, above the barrel. Also, in contrast to most pump action rifles, the pump action is forward.
Yes the pump action is reversed! Whacky huh?
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But does it shoot Legos?
or to literally shoot them like bird shot? Both ways could be fun.