You are hereWTF? Did Hell freeze over?
WTF? Did Hell freeze over?
And its got nothing to do with the Stanley Cup this time
Microsoft to Japan, "Sorry we sold out" but seriously, who would have thought?
Supposedly Tales of Vesperia is to blame.
The official statement is here.
Yes, the Xbox 360 is sold out in the entire country of Japan.
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But thats because there were only about 100 Xbox 360s in all of Japan.
Wii, just as a reminder, tends to be sold out accross the globe (ie. the entire planet). GG
That the world is full of freaking idiots.
That all console makers keep demand high by limiting supply, which lets them artificially delay price drops.
"Here at Microsoft, we are moving forward quickly with console production, and plan to ship the standard Xbox 360 model out this September."
Should read "Please don't buy them on eBay for less than retail price."
"Furthermore, we will sequentially be shipping out the Elite and the Arcade models. We ask that you please patiently wait until the console is shipped."
Should be: "To maximize our profits, we will force you to buy the more expensive console first."