You are hereAn experiment in the works
An experiment in the works
Please take it in the right spirit
So I (and Coxxorz in a small way) have been working on this idea for a while. Here is one of the early prototypes.
Provide your feedback, ideas, and abuse in the comments field as per usual. And be kind (by our standards anyway)as this is way off my usual career choice...
We have 2-3 other prototypes and will be posting them over the next week (or so...).
Also the comic strip needs a name of it own so ideas for that would be welcome.
Name ideas:
- Herd of Consoles
- nXgen
- Three Console Night
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More to come soon
Again keep in mind that I just quickly sketched these out
With a little more time and actually having the victim in front of me they will be a little more 'realistic'
But Blackwalt's has WAY too much hair.
...uh....that was you....
Because blackwalt's deformed head that is shaped like a lopsided sideways squash. Every time I drew him up he looked like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons.
No offence
Improved legibility for the visually impaired. (You know who you are.)
I guess my biggest issue with it is that the consoles are caricatures, but the remote looks real. Other than that, it's remotely (heh heh) funny.
Also, why does it have to be in the top corner like that? Why not in the middle? Although, my nephew did get his remote stuck in the ceiling ...
In making your images too tiny to see, we might appreciate the humour.
It took me 5 minutes to figure out what it was supposed to be about.
And then it wasn't funny anyway.
Oh... and thanks for the feedback btw. I will look into changes tomorrow.
1. I had my glasses on.
2. Even I can figure out you have to click on the photo, which I did. It's the blown up one I am complaining about.
And it still wasn't funny. So if funny was what you were going for, it needs work.
It gets funnier the smaller it is.
Where the 3 consoles are in a war zone, and the PS3 tells the others to "DUCK!"
Wich of course prompts the 360 to drop a grenade at their feet.
That they are staring at a Wiimote that got thrown into a TV?
Herd of Consoles has potential
...also have cartoon renditions of members themselves.
...I have drawn some up...
Coxxorz, Revek, Qbert and myself...
The rest of you I will need a pic
Question: HTF does one create a gallery?
I am not authorized
I changed something honest....
You have one of the most Oddly shaped heads I ever had to draw.
As a horny rabit? (See Le Chainon Maquant)
...I can give you a sample...(Get your minds out of the gutter)
I guess you figure you will have lots of free time in the coming months...