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By Coxxorz - Posted on 12 September 2008

I am sad to report.

HardW00D's picture

sux the big *cox* to have to deal with the RROD... but the 360 is still the best game system out right now. Best library of games available and best online experience.... the latest wave of consoles are supposed to have this issue dealt with so here's to hoping 'cause I'm upgrading soon... just waiting to get another $50 off the elite (or some decent games bundled) since if you buy an arcade with the HD separately it works out to be like $350 vs. $399 for the elite... for that MS does suck ass...

Noir's picture

I thought Microsoft fixed this RRoD issue?

Coxxorz's picture

I must have been in the shower when Bill Gates knocked at my door.

First generation console. Lasted pretty long, I'd say! Hopefully I get an HDMI unit as a replacement.

Swag's picture

That's how you run a business.

Swag's picture

If it wasn't so funny.

I used to think that if I had the choice between an Xbox 360 and a PS3, I would take the Xbox. But now I am not so sure....

MauriceRevek's picture

That the failure rate of the PS3s would be comparable if not exceed that of the 360 if they were played as much as the 360's are. I have to hear of a person who not only owns a PS 3, but plays with it on a regular basis. If the same amount of hours that are played on a 360, are put on the PS3, I think we would see a lot more of them break.

Swag's picture

But the PS3 is japanese, so you know the quality is good.

Ice's picture

I think I picked Blackwalt. Third time is a charm.

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