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Heroes: Second Coming, Butterfly Effect

By Q-Bert - Posted on 23 September 2008

It's about bloody time.

I cringed when I saw their 1-hour pre-season special. I know they wanted to bring the "mood" back to their fan base, but it really felt like the series wanted to appologize for season 2.

As they bloody should.

I'm not going to analyze too much these two episodes, but I will say what I liked and what I didn't:


  • Elle getting her come-uppance

  • The Bitch taking over the Company

  • The Speedster

  • Crossovers with the graphic novels


  • Mohinder saying "bye!" and then changing his mind 4 seconds later.

  • Mohinder creating a super-power serum.

  • Mohinder getting powers.

  • Mohinder

  • Level 5

  • The plethora of Immortals being created

I realize what Kring is doing with this season, and I think it has great potential. Switching the heroes and villains around is a classic move, and can make a great show. Having Sylar respond to Claire's question of "Are you going to eat my brain?" with "Claire, that's disgusting." was brilliant. It pretty much sets the mood for the rest of the season.

I groaned out loud when Linderman shows up, but smiled when I figured out that he was dead and just a figment of Nathan's imagination. Nathan had been having visions for a little while, so this fits in well. I don't like the fact that they resurected Nathan after being shot, because that means one of these is the cause:

  • Linderman is not a figment of Nathan's imagination, he's Immortal, and now selectively invisible. Oh, and Linderman had specifically said before that he could not bring back the dead.

  • Nathan is Immortal because of Adam's blood, and Sylar is still mortal after having Clair's blood (before he gets her ability)

Here's my new pet theory: The Bitch is an Immortal and is Patient 0. Sylar is her "son" because she is very old and she knows that Sylar is one of her descendants. I also predict that the "symbol" originally belonged to her; so she would be "pre-Adam".

Noir's picture

A worthwhile reason to view this site has just been reintroduced. Excellent. I shall make my review later on today most likely.

Coxxorz's picture

I'm going to save time also, and agree on your likes and dislikes 100%. Loved the brain eating bit. Not sure where they're going with the "you're special" and "can't die" bit, as I'm pretty sure that being a healer does not necessarily mean "immortal" (e.g.: decapitation, which they hinted at). Maybe it has something to do with the "pure blood" bit, because she is Nathan's daughter, which makes her a descendant of the Bitch, which ties into your theory.

I totally called Linderman too, because they made no attempt to explain why he was alive. Maybe something he left Nathan with in the past, or maybe something a previously unrevealed hero/villain is feeding into his brain remotely? Anyway, somebody revived Nathan once with their blood. Was it really Adam? So long ago...

No idea what the fuck is going on with Jessica/Nikki/whoever she is now. A triplet? Whatever.

Elle's father = Midas touch: sounds familiar. Did I call this before? I think so.

If the Bitch is pre-Adam, wouldn't she have been the head of the Company before now?

Ando vs. Hiro: Obviously not a "robot Ando", but maybe he had a run-in with an evil Future Hiro (with soul patch?) They didn't really show his face.

I like how they brought a future-painter back in, after killing that ability off last (shudder) season. Also, did the Haitian get killed?

Noir's picture

I guess I will reply under Coxxorz's review.

1) Likes and Dislikes.

I shall start off by saying I agree 100% with Qberts dislikes. The instant Mohinder say he can "instantly" give anyone "permanent" powers I wanted to barf.

I agree with only 2/4 of Qberts "liked" items. Points 2 and 4. I will continue to believe, and say this, that Elle is going to be kicking some serious ass. Now that she no long has to impress daddy anymore she is going to go all renegade stylez. Also, the speedster, not a fan I am. I suppose also that Hiro let her put a knife to Ando for an excuse to let her go and lead him to the second half of the recipe.

2) General comments.

I also loved the brain eating comment. Also glad that Linderman is back. He is a man with a plan that guy. But is it just me or is there too much "immortal" crap going round these days?

A word about the Latino. She is damn hot. She is also a damn fool too and I hope they kill her off soon. Maybe Mohinder will go all villain and kill her, that would be nice.

Lol, was it only me who thought of Magnito when Claire's dad told her about the "German" level 5 guy who could manipulate magnetic fields? God damn that would be an awesome power, one of my favorites.

I agree with Coxxorz in that I have no clue where they are going with Nikki's character. I don't understand the potential of her power I guess. Any ideas of how she might turn out guys?

About Ando killing Hiro in the future. My first intuition was that it was not Ando, but the shape shifting power, like what was used on Peter. I believe this to be true. I don't think Ando has power, unless Mohinder that IDIOT screws it up.

Finally, a point about Claires "living forever" comment by Sylar. If there is ONE thing I learned from watching all of Dragon Ball Z when I was younger was that someone with perfect generation CAN be killed. All it takes is a Ka-may-ya- may-ya x1000 attack. Which Elle will be able to perfect soon. Oh hells yes!

3) Predictions.

I was guessing Reptile for Mohinder when I first saw him climb the walls and drink all that milk(for the calcium). Seemed to me like he was forming scales at the end. Perhaps I am right.

I don't think that The Bitch is Immortal at all. No one has two powers. She can see the future through dreams, that is her power. If she where to be immortal she would have gotten it from Adam, just like Nathan; certainly not pre-Adam. If anything Linderman fits the Pre-Adam story better.

Anyway, that is quite long enough for this week.

I realize I didn't say anything about Sylar like I usually do. I still hate him the most.

Coxxorz's picture

Elle has to come back, so far she seems to be the only one who can stop Sylar (if only temporarily).

Agreed the Latina is hot, but needs to die. At Mohinder's hands (accidently) would be a cool way to bring him back to earth, but I think he's having some Brundle/Fly issues right now.

Yes, the magnetic German has to be an homage to Magneto. I got that too. Curious when Peter tries out his host's soundwave ability. HRG didn't even want to talk about it.

As for the Hiro/Ando thing, it seems they're just leaving no aspect of the show unfucked with this season. Trying to shake things up and make it seem like things are finally happening, I guess. Hopefully the new painter will shed some light on the bigger plan. So far it just looks like a bigger shitsplosion.

Q-Bert's picture

... was last seen with HRG in Ukraine, shaking Ivan for information about the paintings.

Noir's picture

I forget? I speak of that douche who was going out with Claire.

Coxxorz's picture

I frigging hope so.

Stormblade's picture

Do you watch these stupid shows instead of getting your ass kicked on Live?? We have to abuse HardwOOd instead and it's just not the same.

That goes for Pinata boy as well.

Coxxorz's picture

Have you seen this season's lineup? This is one of the last stupid shows worth watching at all. Expect to see more of everybody online if this trend continues.

Coxxorz's picture

...or finish reading your post until I've seen the second half of the double header (it's on HD PVR). But I'm curious about this pre-season special of which you speak?

Q-Bert's picture

It looked live, but it wasn't they recorded it a few days ago.
They showed it on Sunday on one channel, and they showed it on Global at 8pm yesterday. The premier then followed at 9pm.

Noir's picture

It was just full of spoilers and hype I bet.

Coxxorz's picture

It didn't seem like a "pre-show" to me. They called it Chapter One and everything.

Coxxorz's picture

I guess I did see it then.

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