You are herePsycho Nintendo fanboys strike again
Psycho Nintendo fanboys strike again
Just in case we needed further proof to substantiate the obvious need for Nintendo to cease to exist before the damage is irreversible, some Nintendo wingnut decided to take his fanaticism a little too far.
Don't be surprised if they find he was wearing a Mario costume at the time.
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At the risk of appearing to defend ANY console that doesn't have an "X" in its name, I'm going to point out a couple flaws with this article:
1) It's automatically assumed that the killer is a gamer who also loves Advance Wars
2) A poster from Germany who apologizes for being a dick lately and vows to pray for the bereaved is automatically assumed to be the killer, leading to the arrest of a German
3) No sign of forced entry means he likely knew the killer, therefore it's not a random anonymous internet psycho
4) The story takes place in Nottingham, and not one mention of piracy or Robin Hood. It's Nottingham, for fuck's sake!