You are hereWho's in for $249.99 gamming headphones????

Who's in for $249.99 gamming headphones????

By HardW00D - Posted on 07 October 2008

So i am thinking of picking these up -

I know blackwalt has the turtlebeach set, but i want wired - no wireless for me SVP... but i am not sure i want to drop the millions (hundreds) on this without knowing they kick ass. I read a few previews/reviews that sound somewhat positive. Now if i knew some other HoC members were in then it would really make it worth while since you can daisy chain them together for team chat when you are playing together. Given we've done it twice in the last 2 weeks i am thinking this might be something to look at ...

A Troll's picture

If she comes with them, they are worth the $250.00 bucks.

Coxxorz's picture

I personally don't believe in paying more for headphones than the thing I'm listening to them on...

A Troll's picture

The icon for that news bulletin has the upper torso of a woman wearing the Canadian flag. A rather nice upper torso if I do say so myself.

Akuf's picture
Coxxorz's picture

I never went any further than the main link. Funny, if you search for "Canada flag" in Google images, she's the only thing on the first page that isn't.

Akuf's picture

...Revek make sure you wash your hands after you read this.

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