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R6V and me - Part II
As I have mentioned before, my aim in Vegas sucks. No two ways about it.
I decided to get home a little early yesterday (noon) to practice some more. I have been working my way through the single player mission quite nicely, thank you. I take cover, I aim, I kill. Everything's great.
So, 9:30 comes along and Blackwalt invites me for our nightly venture into mayhem. No problem, says I. I have been practicing.
Perhaps it would have been easier without Blackwalt's chuckling, but the end was the same. Most maps involved Stormblade being dead in minutes, leaving Blackwalt to run around and take out more guys on one map with a freaking pistol than I would the entire evening. Then Coxxorz joined and added quality commentary and advice, like "maybe if you hit them, it would help". I suppose the worst abuse came from the AI. "Would it help if I ran into your bullets?". It might have been funny if the answer wasn't a definitive "YES!"
I guess it's back to the drawing board.
Viva Piñata anyone?
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... practice R6V until I am better than Stormblade.
Even considering that I cannot hit anything else than my feet while walking, it seems I will be more successful than Stormblade at killing my opponents at EXTREMELY CLOSE RANGE.
You make a lot of these comments as if you actually play with us.