You are hereNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


By Stormblade - Posted on 21 October 2008

I can't ... I just can't ...

... oh, just read this.

Stormblade's picture

According to this article, the Mac Mini is still alive and well.

I am happy to hear this, because frankly it is the best all around computer I have ever owned and I would like to upgrade to a new one when it's released.

And, as with all Macintosh computers, there is nothing in the P(iece of)C(rap) world that can match it for price and performance.

A Troll's picture

making crappy computers and concentrate on iPods. They are actually very good at that for the most part.

The iPhones I could care less about. I hate having a cell phone as it means some person wants to talk to me on the phone when I do not want to talk with them (aka work). Having a cell phone that can play music, browse the web, etc would just mean that work wants me to do something for them all the time. No thanks. If I did that how could I ever find time to visit the HOC site?

Akuf's picture

...Give them the rejection hotline

For those in OTtawa 613-686-3620
There should be an equivalent number in your area

Check here

Coxxorz's picture

If today's stock tumble of nearly $7 is related to this news, they're going to have to reconsider.

Or maybe it's just because new models are coming?

Q-Bert's picture

Expect new models. They did the same with the iPhone classic.

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