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I was quite humbled last night

By Akuf - Posted on 23 October 2008

I know, I know...What?? Aku humbled??...WTF?

Well this cute girl ( brunette about 125lbs solidly built ) did 70 FULL chinups last night.
It was love at first sight. So, I approached her we went for coffee @ starbucks and started chatting.

As soon as we sat down, she lays this one on me:
"I know who you are and I am not falling for your charm. Though I will admit you are the type of guy I would go for but you have to do more the smooth talk me into sleeping with you"

I was so thrown back that I became speechless! (yeah I know).
She then says:
"I have heard about you and I know what your about, and I am not going to be one of your random fluzzies (sp?)"

Once again I was thrown back I was agape and thinking great I have a reputation.

Then she says:
"But, I am willing to give you a chance because I have also heard that you are a loyal person when you do get involved with someone"

Now, I am like WTF??
"I will give you my number but you have to show me you really want it."
So she asks for my cell phone and enters her number, hands it back to me and tells me to call it. I do her cell phone rings she proceeds to save my number and says:
"So I will leave the ball in your court, call me you won't regret it"

Then she kisses me on the cheek, winks, leaves saying "Don't take too long" and I am sitting there agape and dumbfounded.

Total 10 minutes and I was like WTF just happened I was owned by her.

Coxxorz's picture

What is it again?

Blackwalt's picture

Total 5 years and I was like WTF just happened I was owned by her.

counting married time only

Akuf's picture

Are you predicting that I will be married and divorced?

Q-Bert's picture

This happens to me all of the time.

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