You are hereBlackwalt 0, Rogers Totally F'd up
Blackwalt 0, Rogers Totally F'd up
Herd of Cats dammit!!!
How many times do I have to tell you...
So my Mac Mini and Rogers seem to have an issue. It's simple really. I want to got to and Rogers doesn't want me to. They provide me with this nice search feature page with, mind you, not appearing on the top ten list.
Okay, fine. I can understand that doesn't work without the www. I can understand that maybe without the http:// doesn't work.
I, however, am accessing it FROM A FRACKING BOOKMARK!! A bookmark!
A bookmark created on my Mac Mini that worked just fine the day before and on other occasional instances and sometimes later on after I have clicked on it numerous times. Many numerous times in fact. Many.
Stupid Rogers.
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I don't think the Mini ships with proxies turned on... maybe a bad DNS? Try one from another ISP.
I get this same issue from time to time, so it may not be Rogers' fault.
I blame Q-Bert.
There, that was easy.
Fine. I created a additional website called with a blind redirect to
If you keep bitching, I will redirect it to instead.
...somewhere else you can direct it. Whinny indeed.
I love that site!
I can't wait.
Do you really love it?