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Blame Canada
Only the U.S. gets the full New Xbox Experience
What the...? How did we end up getting screwed? Canada only gets a sleeker redesign. The U.S. gets the whole shebang!
- When millions of Xbox 360 users connect to the Internet Wednesday they'll have the option to give their consoles an extreme makeover.
Microsoft has branded it the "new experience.'' Unfortunately, the full experience will only be available in the U.S. In Canada, gamers will have to settle for a sleek redesign.
Because I don't have enough reasons to hate Stormblade and A Troll.
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Thank God.
...the reason you bought one because you like the childish interface
How do I turn it off?
If you have to live down here, you need some extra encouragement.
(Stormblade goes to find his flak jacket and cowers into a dark corner, awaiting Troll's riposte ....)
But since you do not have a life, I'll brighten up your day some.
You suck!
..But the only difference is the netflix thing.
Which I don't think I would have been using anyway.
Tried it this morning, looks ok. Did not try to install game to hard drive though. They better have not made this a USA only thing. I was looking forward to cutting the noise level when I game.
The netflix thing?
The new update
Does it impact Guitar Hero: Wilson Philips that much??
...That reminds me it's been a while since I posted a comic...